SBC Life Articles

Luncheons and Meetings at the Southern Baptist Convention

Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary

Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary President Jeff Iorg will present the seminary's Distinguished Alumni Award to Henry Deneen, newly-elected president of Greater Europe Mission, at the school's Alumni & Friend Luncheon on June 13.

The luncheon will be held at 12:30 p.m. Wednesday, June 13, in Room 008 A/B of the Gonzalez Convention Center's river level.

Deneen, a native of South Carolina, earned a master of divinity from Golden Gate in 2000. He will begin serving as president of Greater Europe Mission, an evangelical mission agency, in September.

Iorg will report on the seminary's ongoing Partners for the Future campaign and relay news from the seminary, including the new Ph.D. studies to begin this fall.

Tickets, at $10 per person, may be purchased before the annual meeting by calling Sharon Daugherty at 415-380-1478 or 1-888-472-8709 or at the seminary's exhibit hall booth during the convention.

Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary

Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary will host its annual alumni and friends luncheon at noon Wednesday, June 13, with a theme of Celebrating 50th Anniversary in the Heart of America to Reach the Hearts of the World.

The program will feature testimonials from some of the seminary's earliest graduates, including Don Kammerdiener, a former executive vice president of the International Mission Board.

MBTS President R. Philip Roberts will report on areas of progress and recent events at Midwestern and MBTS national alumni president Fred Winters will share words of encouragement and challenge to attendees.

The luncheon will be in Room 004 on the Gonzalez Convention Center's River Level. Reservations are required, with tickets available through the institutional advancement office. RSVP by Friday, June 1, by calling toll-free 877-414-3720 or emailing [email protected]. Reserved tickets can be picked up at Midwestern's exhibit hall booth on Tuesday, June 12, during the SBC annual meeting.

New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary

New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary's annual Alumni & Friends Luncheon will be a time to reconnect with friends and hear the latest news from campus.

The June 13 luncheon will be in the Gonzalez Convention Center's Rooms 103 A/B on the street level from noon to 2 p.m. following the Wednesday morning session of the SBC annual meeting.

NOBTS President Chuck Kelley will report on the progress of the campus restoration, which is nearing completion, and about new initiatives the seminary will launch during the coming year. Kelley also will present the seminary's distinguished alumni awards.

Tickets-at $10 each before June 1, $12 after June 1 – are on sale by mail and online. Tickets also will be available at the NOBTS booth in the SBC exhibit hall.

To purchase a ticket before the SBC, mail a check payable to NOBTS to New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, Attention Alumni Relations, 3939 Gentilly Blvd., New Orleans, LA 70126. For information about purchasing tickets online, visit Tickets ordered from the office after June 1 may be picked up at the seminary's booth in the exhibit hall.

Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary

Alumni and friends of Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary will have the opportunity to gather for lunch, fellowship, and a report on the seminary from President Daniel Akin during the National Alumni and Friends Luncheon at noon Wednesday, June 13, in the Alamo Ballroom sections A-D at the San Antonio Marriott Riverwalk.

Akin will relay an update on the seminary and college as well as his plans for SEBTS' future in light of its mission: "Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary seeks to glorify the Lord Jesus Christ by equipping students to serve the church and fulfill the Great Commission" (Matthew 28:19-20).

Cost for the luncheon is $20 per person and space is limited. To register online, go to or mail a check payable to Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary by May 30. Checks should be sent to Financial Development Office, P.O. Box 1889, Wake Forest, NC 27588. For more information, contact Linda Baker at (919) 761-2203.

The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary will hold its annual luncheon in conjunction with the SBC annual meeting at 12:30 p.m. Wednesday, June 13, in rooms 217 A-D on the Gonzalez Convention Center's concourse level.

SBTS President R. Albert Mohler Jr. will be the featured speaker.

Tickets are $20 in advance or $23 at the seminary's exhibit hall booth during the annual meeting. To order tickets or for more information, call the seminary's institutional relations office at 502-897-4142.

Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary

Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary's National Alumni Luncheon will be at 12:30 p.m. Wednesday, June 13, in the Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center's Ballroom A on the street level.

Southwestern President Paige Patterson will present the 2007 distinguished alumni awards and the seminary's annual report.

Tickets are $10 per person before June 1. They may be purchased online by going to and clicking on "Upcoming events"; by calling toll-free 1-877-GO SWBTS (467-9287); or by mailing a request to Southwestern's Alumni Relations Office at P.O. Box 22480, Fort Worth, TX 76122-0480. Tickets after June 1 will be $15 per person and will be available for purchase at Southwestern's booth in the exhibit hall.


Pastors trained in the FAITH evangelism/ Sunday School strategy can attend a luncheon sponsored by LifeWay Christian Resources immediately following the Tuesday morning business session.

Attendees at the luncheon, slated for the Marriott Riverwalk Alamo Ballroom A/B/C on Level 2, will hear about the new generation of FAITH strategy from LifeWay President Thom S. Rainer and FAITH author Bobby Welch, who now serves as strategist for global evangelical relations with the SBC Executive Committee.

Reservation inquiries for the FAITH luncheon can be phoned to 1-877-FAITH-98.


Chaplain (Capt.) Jeff Struecker will address the chaplain's luncheon, slated for 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. Monday in Mission 103B on the street level of the convention center.

Struecker, a former Army Ranger, was a central figure in the book and movie Black Hawk Down as part of Operation Gothic Serpent in Mogadishu, Somalia. Struecker has recounted his various life experiences in The Road to Unafraid with coauthor Dean Merrill.

In addition to Somalia, Struecker's combat experience includes multiple tours in Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan, plus participation in Operations Iris Gold in Kuwait and Just Cause in Panama. He enlisted in the Army in September 1987 and was called to the ministry while serving with the 75th Ranger Regiment at Fort Benning, Georgia.

Struecker holds a master of divinity degree from Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky.


GuideStone Financial Resources will host its annual annuitant dessert reception from 2:00-2:30 p.m. Wednesday, June 13, in Room 102B near Exhibit Hall A in the convention center. Retirees attending the SBC annual meeting can stop by the GuideStone exhibit and get an admission ticket for the reception.

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