SBC Life Articles

Office of the President Dr. Johnny Hunt Southern Baptist Convention




In Proverbs 12:25, the Bible states, "Anxiety in the heart of man causes depression, but a good word makes it glad." Undoubtedly, some have become a little anxious in this last year as the Great Commission Resurgence Task Force has carried out its assignment entrusted by the 2009 Southern Baptist Convention messengers. We have taken very seriously our assignment and feel deep within our hearts that we have a report that will deliver a Christ-honoring vision for a Great Commission future.

I am personally convinced that many Southern Baptists who were practically unengaged are now "sitting up" and listening intently to what I believe will become a very compelling vision to lead Southern Baptists to their best days. This will only happen as our 42,000-plus pastors, along with staff and laypeople, make a new commitment in their hearts to our Lord Jesus Christ. "The light that shines the farthest shines the brightest at home." As Jesus works in our personal lives and in our churches, we will make a significant difference in this nation.

Our commitment is to hot-hearted evangelism, exponential church planting, and taking the Gospel to the unengaged, unreached, and underserved of this nation and the nations of the world. In Jesus' name, join the movement. I look forward to seeing you and your messengers at the Convention for this important time. I am of the conviction that everyone attending will hear a "good word that will make their hearts glad."

Many young leaders will be attending this Convention and I encourage each of them to be present at the Baptist 21 luncheon on Tuesday, June 15, from 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m., in the Convention Center, West Building. Find out more on their website at baptisttwentyone.com. It excites me to see many young leaders returning and engaging since they are our future.

Decide now that you will recommit yourself to the task of the Great Commission. Lead your people to make an increase in your Cooperative Program giving that supports all of the wonderful work of our Convention; trust the Lord to reach more people in your community than ever before; call the "called out" to the nations; and lead your church to support a new church start at some level of giving. Bottom line — let's be together for the Gospel. Let's live in light of eternity.

Thanks for the privilege to serve as your President.

Johnny Hunt

    About the Author

  • Dr. Johnny Hunt