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Open Meeting


Spring 2014 Issue

Open Meeting

This issue's Open Meeting:

When, how, and why do you use social media, specifically in the context of ministry? What are its strengths? When is its use inappropriate? Why have you embraced, or rejected, the use of social media in your ministry?

Join the conversation:

  1. Comment below using your Facebook account
  2. On Twitter, Tweet using hashtag #sbcopenmeeting
  3. If you don't have a Facebook or Twitter account, you can write to us at [email protected] or via regular mail

A few responses will be printed in the next issue of SBC LIFE.


Last issue's Open Meeting:

"Are mass-evangelism revival services still effective today? Does your church host such events? Have you brought in vocational evangelists as part of your efforts? How are you encouraging revival in your church and your community?"

Top Responses:


"Revivals are important in the life of the church, I plan one every year. Revivals will work if the pastor and the entire church works to prepare for the revival. If the church is committed to prayer as more important than other things, if the whole counsel of the Word of God is preached, and if the church is involved in personal evangelism, God will bring a revival."
– Ben F.

"I . . . prefer pastors that I know simply because of trust. . . . Pastors are much easier to research, get extensive samples of preaching/doctrine, and they serve a congregation by whom they are held accountable."
– Bill F.