SBC Life Articles

Twenty-Two State/Regional Conventions have Elected Non-Anglos to serve as State Convention Presidents

The following is a list of non-Anglos who have served as president of their respective state Baptist conventions. 1

Alaska Baptist Convention
Herbert Cotton (African American), 1972–1974
William Lyons (African American), 1978–1980
Leon May (African American), 2002–2004

Arizona Southern Baptist Convention
Jim Loui (Chinese American), 2008–2010

California Southern Baptist Convention
Willie T. Gaines (African American), 1985–1986
Ray Jones (African American), 1997

Florida Baptist Convention
Elroy Barber (African American), 1998–1999

Hawaii Pacific Baptist Convention
Moriyoshi Hiratani (Japanese American), 1959–1961, 1969–1971
Dan H. Kong (Chinese American), 1964–1966, 1971–1973
Dan Liu (Chinese American), 1968–1969
Allen Au (Chinese American), 1973–1975
Raymond Lau (Chinese American), 1977–1979
Paul Kaneshiro (Japanese American), 1995–1997
George Iwahiro (Japanese American), 2001–2003
Ken Sakai (Japanese American), 2005–2007
Robert Miller (Hawaiian American), 2008–2010
Walt Agena (Japanese American), 2010–2012

Illinois Baptist State Association
Donald Sharp (African American), 1983–1984, 2004–2005
Eugene L. Gibson Sr. (African American), 1997

Baptist Convention of Iowa
Ted Keys (African American), 2009–2011

Baptist Convention of Maryland/Delaware
James Dixon (African American), 2001–2002
Byron Day (African American), 2009–2010

Baptist State Convention of Michigan
Rochelle Davis (African American), 1986–1987
Robert Coverson (African American), 2003–2004
Roscoe Belton (African American), 2011–2012

Baptist Convention of New England
Paul Kim (Korean American), 2006–2008

Baptist Convention of New Mexico
Frank Zamora (Hispanic), 1993–1994
Joe Bunce (Hispanic), 1998–2000

Baptist Convention of New York
Samuel Simpson (Jamaican), 1986–1988; 1994–1996
Jerry Lepasana (Filipino), 2002–2004
Milton Kornegay (African American), 2004–2006

Baptist State Convention of North Carolina
Michael Cummings (Native American), 1999–2001

State Convention of Baptists in Ohio
Gary Frost (African American), 1990–1992
David Gray (African American), 2006–2008

Baptist General Convention of Oklahoma
Emerson Falls (Native American), 2008–2010

Baptist Convention of Pennsylvania/South Jersey
William Johnson (African American), 1992–1993
K. Marshall Williams (African American), 2007–2008
Peter Yanes (Filipino), 2009–2010

Convention of Southern Baptist Churches in Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands
Ernesto R. Pereira (Hispanic), 2001–2007
Miguel A. Soto (Hispanic), 2007–2009
Angel Colón (Hispanic), 2009–2010
Jorge Alvarez (Hispanic), 2010–2012

Baptist General Convention of Texas
Albert Reyes (Hispanic), 2005
Michael Bell (African American), 2006
Victor Rodriguez (Hispanic), 2011

Southern Baptists of Texas Convention
Rudy Hernandez (Hispanic), 2000–2001
Terry Turner (African American), 2011–2012

Utah/Idaho Southern Baptist Convention
Paul Rodriguez (Hispanic), 1992–1993

Baptist General Association of Virginia
Mark Croston (African American), 2011–2012

The District of Columbia Baptist Convention, a multi-aligned state convention
Kendrick Curry (African American), 2011–2012
Curry was preceded by a succession of other non-Anglo presidents, not all of whom serve as pastor of churches that cooperate with the SBC.

1 Special thanks to each of the forty-two cooperating state and regional Baptist conventions for their assistance in gathering these names. A similar chart appeared in the Fall 2012 issue of SBC LIFE, generating positive conversations in the states and resulting in additional names being forwarded to SBC LIFE.

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