CHARLESTON, S.C. (BP) — K. Allan Blume, who will retire May 31 as president-editor of North Carolina’s Biblical Recorder, was honored by the Association of State Baptist Publications during their Feb. 11-14 annual meeting in Charleston, S.C.
Blume, who received a resolution of appreciation from the editors, is known both in North Carolina and the Southern Baptist Convention not only for having led the paper the last eight years but also as a veteran pastor of churches in Boone and Charlotte. In his denominational involvement, he has led the SBC Committee on Order of Business and the Credentials Committee. In North Carolina, he served three terms as president of the state convention’s board of directors.
As phrased by a resolution of appreciation, Blume is “a noted North Carolina Baptist minister, statesman and journalist with a long history of serving Southern Baptist churches.”
Shawn Hendricks, editor of Baptist Press who previously worked under Blume as the Recorder’s managing editor, said, “Allan is a true professional, and he taught me a lot about leadership…. He always seems to have his finger on the pulse of what’s going on in Southern Baptist life.”
The resolution noted in part that Blume “led the Biblical Recorder, newsjournal for North Carolina Baptists, to be one of the nation’s most respected Southern Baptist news agencies, recognized by the accolades of many church leaders and numerous awards from the Baptist Communicators Association.” Through the Biblical Recorder, the resolution stated, Blume “successfully fulfilled his vision to lead the organization toward an unwavering commitment to the Bible, the Great Commission and God’s glory.”
As Blume noted in a 2014 editorial, the Biblical Recorder, founded in 1833, exists “to give your congregation news and information that will encourage their walk with God, strengthen the church’s missions giving and support the biblical preaching of the pastor.”
Blume’s wife Pam and Milton A. Hollifield Jr., executive director-treasurer of the Baptist State Convention of North Carolina, were in attendance for the presentation of the resolution of appreciation. Hollifield led in prayer for the Blumes and made comments about their legacy of ministry among North Carolina Baptists.
Blume was selected as the Biblical Recorder’s editor in 2011 after leading Mount Vernon Baptist Church in Boone for 16 years. He earlier served as pastor of Statesville Avenue Baptist Church in Charlotte for 12 years and executive pastor of Hickory Grove Baptist Church in Charlotte for five years.
As editor, Blume led the historic Baptist news outlet through rebranding and the launch of a new website. Today, the Recorder offers multiple news formats, including an e-newsletter and digital edition. The website, BRnow.org, counts nearly 1 million visitors each month.
In retirement, Blume plans to continue living in Cary, N.C., and be available for preaching and interim pastorate opportunities across the state. He and his wife Pam are members of First Baptist Church in Cary. They have one adult son, Jeremy, who lives in Atlanta.