
FORT WORTH, Texas (BP) – A settlement agreement between Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and former president Adam W. Greenway was announced Monday (Sept. 9).


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Illinois Baptists lose religious freedom case, expect to appeal

SPRINGFIELD, Ill. – A circuit judge in Springfield has ruled against the Illinois Baptist State Association in a suit to protect IBSA from requirements to provide employees with insurance benefits that cover abortion. The ruling, saying the Illinois Reproductive Health Act did not violate IBSA’s religious freedom, came more than four years after IBSA filed suit.

USCIRF: Tagging global religious freedom violators has not led to much change

Nigeria, the most dangerous country for Christians, is not listed as a Country of Particular Concern in the U.S. State Department's most recent list. In this file photo, a Nigerian Christian reads the Bible.

WASHINGTON (BP) – Tagging and sanctioning egregious violators of the 1998 International Religious Freedom Act (IRFA) has not been effective in improving religious freedom globally, according to a study of the process.

Missouri judge rules abortion ballot initiative not lawful; Nebraska decision next


JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. – A Missouri judge ruled Friday, Sept. 6, that pro-abortion advocates who led the petition process for Amendment 3, which aims to codify expansive abortion rights within the Missouri Constitution, did not follow state law. The decision leaves open the possibility that Amendment 3 could be stricken from Missouri ballots.

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