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EC approves $190 million allocation budget that includes legal costs

NASHVILLE (BP) — Executive Committee members approved a recommendation Tuesday morning (Feb. 18) for a $190 million 2025-26 SBC Cooperative Program Allocation Budget that includes $3 million earmarked for anticipated legal costs.

Protestant pastors bring attention to global Christian persecution

BRENTWOOD, Tenn. — As pastors speak and pray with their congregations, they say they’re also keeping persecuted Christians around the world in mind. More than 9 in 10 U.S. Protestant pastors (93%) say their church has engaged in at least one of six ways to bring attention to Christians suffering persecution within the past year, according to a Lifeway Research study.

Pressley: ‘Nothing else even comes close’ to SBC, CP

NASHVILLE (BP) – What do the SBC and the Porsche 911 sports car have in common? According to SBC President Clint Pressley, an enduring design that cannot be equaled but that must be tweaked for a stable future.

Iorg addresses sexual abuse, financial realities in report to Executive Committee

NASHVILLE (BP) — In a landmark address to SBC Executive Committee members, SBC EC President Jeff Iorg outlined plans for continued sexual abuse prevention and response, presented findings from the SBC’s sexual abuse hotline that clarify the incidence of abuse in Southern Baptist churches and shared steps for responding to calls for greater financial clarity from SBC entities.

The Salt Company seizing unprecedented opportunity to reach college students

NATIONWIDE – Cassandra Hoai says she wants to help plant a church when she graduates next year from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

The Cooperative Program: A brief history

JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. – Southern Baptists have been missionary minded since their first day and their first action. When 293 delegates gathered in 1845 in Augusta, Georgia, for the inaugural meeting of the convention, their first resolution expressed the desire to “organize a convention for the propagation of the gospel.”

FIRST-PERSON: Reaching our foreign-born neighbors

I had an interesting experience a few days ago while eating at a Mexican restaurant with a KBC pastor in one of our Kentucky counties.  

COVID’s impact on church attendance less than some anticipated

NASHVILLE (BP) – Throughout 2020 and into 2021, predictions emerged about the COVID-19 pandemic’s long-term effects on churches. Those included that a hybrid experience would become the norm, an abundance of church closures was on the horizon and in-person numbers may never fully recover.

Grief to Grace ministry in Tennessee is outlet for widows of pastors

NEWPORT, Tenn. – Pat Brown thought her ministry was over when Horace Brown, her husband of 37 years, died on Jan. 1, 2021.

50 Christians killed, dozens kidnapped in Nigeria since late January

KADUNA, Nigeria (BP) – About 50 Christians were killed, dozens kidnapped and homes destroyed since late January in several attacks spanning southern to northern Nigeria, Christian persecution watchdog groups said.