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CSBC Executive Board reverses course on messenger-approved 2025 CP budget

FRESNO, Calif. – The California Southern Baptist Convention (CSBC) Executive Board voted to amend the state convention’s 2025 Cooperative Program (CP) budget, which had previously been approved by messengers at the 2024 Annual Meeting in Riverside, California.

Labeling the decision an “emergency” measure, Richard Spring, pastor of Living Hope in Hesperia and the board’s Finance and Budget Committee chairperson, emphasized that such actions are highly irregular.

“It is not the norm for our board to change what is voted on by the messengers at the annual meeting. It’s not how we work as Baptists.” Spring said. “This was a unique circumstance based on a variety of issues to keep the Convention both moving forward and supporting the Cooperative Program. Our committee felt this was an emergency, and we do not intend it to be the norm.”

The Finance and Budget Committee’s recommendation reads as follows:

“It is recommended that the 2025 Cooperative Program (CP) [budget] be changed from $3,850,000 to $3,350,000 with a CP gifts objective of $5,000,000. The allocation of total CP receipts to the Executive Committee of the Southern Baptist Convention will be changed from a variable amount (for example 20% at $5,000,000) to a fixed amount of 30%. The allocation to California Baptist University (CBU), 2%, and the allocation to the Baptist Foundation of California (BFC), 1%, will remain the same. Every dollar of CP received greater than the objective of $5,000,000 will go directly to the SBC Executive Committee.”

After meaningful discussion, the motion passed.


CSBC messengers voted at their annual meeting in October to restructure the convention’s formula for distributing CP funds, adopting an in-state CP budget of $3.85 million and a CP gifts objective budget of $5 million. After taking out 2 percent for California Baptist University and 1 percent for the Baptist Foundation of California, that would leave around $1 million (out of $5 million) for national CP, or 20 percent. The previous year, the CSBC budget had allocated 36 percent to national and international SBC causes.

Shawn Beaty, pastor at Clovis Hills Community Church, who presented the motion changing the formula at the CSBC annual meeting, later acknowledged to the board that he could have done more to foster discussion and clarify the motion’s implications when there were no questions from the floor.

“It was shocking,” Beaty said, recounting the moment. “I was certain there was going to be more discussion on this big, philosophic move. When there were no questions, I kind of froze. In hindsight, I made a mistake in not pushing harder. I should have explained to the convention what [they] were voting on.”

“I thought Shawn [Beaty] did well,” said CSBC President Rolland Slade. “Having led the convention before, he’s a confident leader, and he is loved. It didn’t surprise me that people received him well in that moment.”

Slade, who pastors Meridian Southern Baptist Church in El Cajon, moderated the October meeting and recalled being similarly taken aback by the lack of debate.

“I was surprised because I thought there would be questions,” he said. It was very different from how we had done the budget in years past, such a different methodology. I remember being surprised people weren’t even moving toward the microphones. In fact, I don’t recall any movement toward the microphone, even after I let people know that pages were standing by ready to assist with questions.”

CSBC Executive Director Pete Ramirez also acknowledges responsibility for the communication challenge that led to confusion among churches regarding a potential reduction in funds allocated to the Southern Baptist Convention Executive Committee for global missions.

“It is my job as Executive Director to champion the Cooperative Program, not just what is used in California, but also what is sent on to our national and international agencies,” Ramirez said. “It is my responsibility to make sure that when people arrive at the annual meeting, they understand what they’re voting for, especially when radical changes are being proposed. I apologize to my CSBC family for the frustration that my actions, or lack thereof, have caused.”

Ramirez pledged to be more proactive and intentional in the coming years and encouraged faith leaders to continue working toward the shared goal of reaching California and the world.

“Moving forward we will do a better job at communicating with our churches and messengers,” he said. “Let’s continue to stay united and doing the work together in this world that is so lost and in need of a Savior.”

Utilizing investment income

Board members asked questions and communicated concern about anticipated CP shortfalls, noting that year-over-year trends have shown a decline impacting the ministry of the state convention. These shortfalls have resulted in recent layoffs and increased pressure on the few remaining staff to adequately resource churches striving to address the immense lostness in the mission state of California.

“It’s important to understand the distinction between reserves and interest income,” said Marc Tempesta, CSBC’s chief financial officer. “With this pivot back to a percent-based giving structure, if the markets do well, then the difference will be made up from investment income, which was always our plan. If the market takes a dip, we will then be pulling from our investment principle.”

In the meeting, Tempesta also clarified that none of CSBC’s reserves consist of CP contributions. “We received funds from programs, like COVID’s Payroll Protection Program, that were reinvested and have experienced market growth over the years. They have already covered previous years’ CP shortfalls,” he said.

“Given the feedback from church leaders, the board has deemed it appropriate to allocate a reasonable portion of our investments to help keep a balanced budget and to see more CP go toward missions.”

‘Unity is the most important thing’

Board members discussed the merits and precedent of reversing the structure of the budget while acting as the convention ad interim. However, Ramirez made it clear that the issues extended beyond budgetary concerns.

“I am still learning in this role as executive director, but I am certain that right now, unity is the most important thing, and this pivot will help keep us unified on reaching the lost around the world,” Ramirez said.

Slade commended Ramirez’s responsiveness in navigating the challenges. “We’ve talked on a number of occasions leading up to this board meeting about different concerns he and I are hearing from our pastors,” Slade said. “Since the vote, Pete has been responsive, meeting with church leaders, listening and taking advice. He has done well.”

Likewise, Ramirez expressed pride in the board’s handling of the unprecedented decision, praising their leadership and collective commitment to advancing the Gospel.

“California’s 2,300 Southern Baptist churches can rest assured that this board is unified and Gospel-focused,” Ramirez said. “They are sharp, ask good questions, respect one another through healthy discourse, and they manage our kingdom assets with wisdom and integrity.”

Going forward, Slade encouraged California Southern Baptists to continue communicating openly with convention leadership, assuring that their voices are heard and valued.

“We need to be able to communicate with one another,” Slade said. “Our convention is responsive. It’s part of our role. It’s great when folks communicate with us. We want to hear from you. We aren’t trying to do this in a bubble. We want to do what the messengers want us to do.”

This article originally appeared at

    About the Author

  • Sarah M. Graham/CSBC