EDITOR’S NOTE: Each day during Baptist Press’ coverage of the Beijing Olympics, we are publishing a letter from a Southern Baptist missionary who served in China during the years before the People’s Republic of China was founded in 1949. Some of the letters reveal these missionaries’ great love for the people of China; others provide glimpses into what life was like for an American living abroad in the 19th century. We hope the collection helps Southern Baptists capture the passion of these great souls and understand the sacrifices they made so the good news of God’s love could be taken to what was, for them, the ends of the earth. Today’s letter is a departure from the others in that it comes from Wang Way Sze, a Chinese believer from Shantung province.
BUH GO, China–To Miss Lofton, for all the Sisters:
It is exceedingly important that the messengers of the Gospel be sent to bring the news of salvation to these great multitudes.
The few missionaries now here can do only a small part of what is needed. They can take the gospel to only a few of the towns and villages, and to these they cannot go very often. Many people are anxious for them to visit their towns.
For several years our people are far more friendly toward missionaries and all foreigners than formerly, and are more ready to listen to the Gospel.
Do come, as many as can, to aid in this work; and look not upon it with indifference — for these here now are utterly insufficient. In my town, Buh Go, there are with myself three Christians, besides some who are seeking to become disciples of Jesus.
Your sister in Christ,
Wang Way Sze
Aug. 3, 1891