BAPTIST PRESS: Our favorite stories of 2021
NASHVILLE (BP) – Rolland Slade had a busy year. He’s the longtime pastor of Meridian Baptist Church in El Cajon, Calif. And of course, he’s been mentioned quite a bit in these pages for his role as chairman of the SBC Executive Committee, which kept him pretty busy this year. But one of our favorite things about Pastor Slade is his role as administrator of California Little League’s District 66.
10 most read Baptist Press stories of 2021
NASHVILLE (BP) – There was a lot of news in the Southern Baptist Convention this year, and the most popular stories on the Baptist Press website reflect that. Eight of the 10 most-read stories revolve around changes or big decisions in the SBC. Here’s a look at the Top 10.
“Southern Baptist Media Day” Added to SBC Calendar
Southern Baptist publications across the nation will have their day, July 28.
Indiana First State To Ban Planned Parenthood Funding
Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels signed into law May 10 expansive pro-life legislation that includes a ban on state-directed funding of abortion providers such as Planned Parenthood. In doing so, the Republican governor made Indiana reportedly the first state to enact such a prohibition on money for organizations that perform or promote abortion. The law exempts […]
Virginity Making a Comeback
A growing number of teenagers and young adults are virgins, according to a study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s National Center for Health Statistics described as “the largest and most in-depth federal report to date on sexual behavior” in the United States. What’s more, the mainstream media is recognizing that the trend may be attributable in part to abstinence education. An Associated Press article stated, “...perhaps emphasis on abstinence in the past decade has had some influence.”
Life Issues
Black Leaders Appeal to President and Congress; Planned Parenthood: The Business of Abortion; Maryland Suspends Another Doctor; Louisiana Penalizes Clinic
Morris H. Chapman Honored
In appreciation for his service, Morris H. Chapman was named to the honorary position of president emeritus of the Executive Committee and was presented the M.E. Dodd Award for Cooperative Program support during a retirement dinner September 20 in Nashville, Tennessee. "Dr. Chapman, no entity leader has been a greater ambassador for the Cooperative Program […]
GER — Putting a Face on Southern Baptist Global Ministry
"In late dark of night they dragged me from my house and took me to jail where they stripped me naked and three men beat me several times, until I was unconscious, and left me in puddles of blood. They had fiercely wrapped big sticks with cloth so the beatings would not break anymore skin. […]