
E. Calvin Beisner

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FIRST-PERSON: Pro-life but pro-abortion? The debate over mercury levels

An effort to use the pro-life label on politicians who back a specific EPA proposal is off-target and would cripple the effort to protect the unborn, says columnist E. Calvin Beisner.

FIRST-PERSON: Global warming propaganda from Scholastic?

Climate expert E. Calvin Beisner tells how he responded to a Christian schoolteacher who wanted to know how global warming fit within a biblical framework.

FIRST-PERSON: Malaria, Africa & the sad story of a preventable tragedy

More than 50 million people have died a needless death in Africa due to malaria, a disease that is easily preventable, says E. Calvin Beisner.

FIRST-PERSON: Revisiting ‘climate change denialism’

E. Calvin Beisner comments on a LifeWay Research poll showing a major shift among Protestant pastors away from belief in manmade global warming.

FIRST-PERSON: The meltdown of Global Warming alarmism

BURKE, Va. (BP)--Forget all you've heard about unprecedented global warming; global warming so rapid it can't be natural but must be anthropogenic; global warming threatening to devastate economies, ecosystems, and perhaps even human civilization itself; global warming on which "the science is settled" and "the debate is over."

Global warming alarmism falling apart in light of ‘Climategate’ and IPCC errors

BURKE, Va. (BP)--One of the most alarming warnings in the 2007 Assessment Report of the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) was that Himalayan glaciers ...