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News Articles by Leslie Peacock Caldwell

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Healthcare team reaches war-torn region with more than medicine

Down Ukrainian roads, cloaked in the golden hues of the vibrant but short-lived autumn, comes help and hope. A caravan of cars following a yellow panel van borrowed from a church carries suitcases and plastic tubs filled with medical supplies. A mission team, including healthcare professionals from both Ukraine and the U.S., prepares each day […]

Baptists respond with compassion, prayer and peacemaking to Nigerian conflicts

Nigeria is increasingly in the news, and not for its tourist attractions. Headlines amplify the spiral of hatred, civil unrest, violence, kidnapping and destruction that is “spinning out of control” in many parts of the African nation, according to some observers. IMB missionaries serving in West Africa are aware of how complicated the news-making situations […]

LMCO total exceeds goal, reflects commitment to be a Great Commission people

RICHMOND, Va. (BP) – As the International Mission Board closes the 2020-21 financial books, it expects to report a Lottie Moon Christmas Offering total of $177.6 million.

Baby bottle mix-up leads pastor to missionary connection

GAHANNA, Ohio – Wally Contreras had a passion for missions before he became a pastor in January 2020. Having previously served 20 years in the U.S. Air Force, he lived overseas for six years in Europe and Central Asia – cross-cultural experiences that helped shape his love for the nations.

IMB panel emphasizes Southern Baptists’ involvement in past, present and future of missions

NASHVILLE (BP) – Directly following the IMB report on Tuesday, June 15, at the 2021 SBC Annual Meeting, IMB President Paul Chitwood hosted a panel discussion featuring global highlights of God’s work through IMB around the world.

‘Together, we press toward the vision,’ Chitwood assures Southern Baptists

NASHVILLE (BP) – During a global season that crippled businesses, closed borders and devastated families, God was powerfully moving, IMB President Paul Chitwood reported to the 2021 SBC Annual Meeting on Tuesday (June 15).

‘We don’t have to choose sides,’ Baptist workers say of Middle East conflict

In the silence since the May 20 ceasefire between Israel and Gaza ended 11 days of violence, Baptist workers among Israeli and Palestinians urge churches to look past the politics and see people in need of Jesus.

Creyentes dispersos se conectan para cuidar a los encarcelados y perseguidos

Los cristianos de una región musulmana han estado trabajando duro en los últimos días para apoyar a sus hermanas y hermanos que están encarcelados debido a su fe. Aunque dispersos debido a la actual persecución, envían mensajes crípticos a través de los medios sociales y aplicaciones de texto y hacen todo lo posible por mantenerse informados el uno al otro. Muchos de estos creyentes viven en diferentes ciudades e inclusive en diferentes países.

Scattered believers connect to care for those imprisoned and persecuted

The Christians in one Muslim region have been working hard in recent days to support their brothers and sisters who are imprisoned for their faith. Though scattered because of current persecution, they send cryptic messages through social media and text apps and try their best to keep each other informed. Many of these believers live in different cities or even countries.

IMB trustees appoint 68 missionaries, announce new affinity

RICHMOND, Va. (BP) – Trustees of the International Mission Board (IMB) approved 68 new fully funded missionaries for appointment during their May 11-12 meeting in Richmond, Va. This is the first in-person meeting trustees have had since Jan. 2020, before restrictions from COVID-19 necessitated virtual meetings.