
Rebecca Ingram Powell

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FIRST-PERSON: 7 ‘ups’ to raise kids who remain in church

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (BP)--A recent statistic reported by the Southern Baptist Convention reveals that 88 percent of children who are raised in evangelical homes leave the church at the age of 18 and never return. What kind of example are we setting as parents when it comes to raising, or erecting, pillars of the church? By remembering the seven "ups" for erecting a pillar of the church, you can make sure your children are standing on the firm foundation of your own godly lifestyle:

FIRST-PERSON: Gracious sportsmanship in the little leagues

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (BP)--Just when you think you've had enough of a good thing, it's time for the fall baseball instructional league.

FIRST-PERSON: What’s so new about mean girls?

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (BP)--Mean girls. What's so new about that? Mean girls have been around forever. Suddenly, there is a media blitz covering something as ancient as human nature -- something all women have had to endure.

FIRST-PERSON: Who needs words?

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (BP)--One of the best things I have ever done as a mom is to develop a special sign language with each of my kids. For each child, I have a special sign that translates, "I love you." To tell Danya, "I love you," I tug on my earlobe, Carol Burnett-style. David and Derek each have their own special signs as well.

FIRST-PERSON: God’s best work is done in the dark

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (BP)--I love light! Whether it's sunlight or artificial light, I want plenty of it during the day or even at night if I am working or reading. We open all the curtains and blinds first thing in the morning to get the day started. It's energizing! Besides that, I want to be able to see what I'm cooking or cleaning or studying. If I have to work under a dim light, I can't see what I'm doing. Inevitably, I end up with a sloppy job, whether that means that I've missed some spots on a floor I'm trying to enhance with wax or on a face I'm trying to "enhance" with makeup!

FIRST-PERSON: How to minister to families in crisis situations

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (BP)--Death. Prolonged illness. Broken marriages. Financial problems. Addictions. These are just a sample of the many crisis situations that a pastor will face in the course of his ministry.

FIRST-PERSON: Pursuing a relationship vs. practicing a religion

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (BP)--A few years ago when my son David was 4 years old, he asked for one of those popular WWJD bracelets. He had noticed several people at church wearing them. I thought it was a great idea, and I was hoping it would help him with some self-control issues he'd been having.

FIRST-PERSON: What are you expecting during the holidays?

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (BP)--We went to my husband's aunt's home for Thanksgiving lunch. After greeting everyone and checking out the house, four-year-old Derek came and sat on the couch beside me. The other children were playing outside, but Derek was seated serenely, hands folded in his lap, his usual grin on his face.

FIRST-PERSON: Each child is custom-designed

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (BP)--The year was 1809. Jedidiah, a middle-aged pastor, shut his eyes tightly to keep his son from seeing them roll. Once again, 18-year-old Samuel was pleading to be allowed to study art at the university. Jedidiah had tried to explain to Samuel that he would probably never make a living as a painter. He would get no respect. How could that be his choice when he could do so much more with his life? He had so hoped that Samuel would become a member of the clergy, following in his footsteps.

FIRST-PERSON: Sept. 11 prompts review of the Master Teacher’s syllabus

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (BP)--Do you remember your favorite teacher? One of my favorites was Ralph Hillman, a professor of speech communication at Middle Tennessee State University. Dr. Hillman seemed to be everybody's favorite in the speech department. He's the kind of teacher who has a love not only for the subject matter but also for his students.