
News Articles by Todd Brady

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FIRST-PERSON: Watch out for this Mrs. Claus

JACKSON, Tenn. (BP)--It was not a very good start to the holiday season. Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade stopped just short of featuring a same-sex couple as Santa and Mrs. Claus. Had this happened during the nation's most famous parade, America would have seen not Mr. and Mrs. Santa Claus, but Mr. and Mr. Santa Claus, with the supposed "Mrs. Claus" standing in drag beside "her" jolly old husband.

FIRST-PERSON: 3 Rs in academics & faith

JACKSON, Tenn. (BP)--This time of year means that millions of children, teenagers and young adults are beginning another school year in America. No more lazy mornings of sleeping late. No more afternoons by the pool. No more vacation journeys to the beach -- at least for a little while. As students return to their desks and teachers to their lecterns, one of the greatest American enterprises is now in full swing -- education.

FIRST-PERSON: Thoughts on ‘JesUSAves’

JACKSON, Tenn. (BP)--America's awareness of world events certainly is heightened as many throughout the land have watched close friends and beloved family members ship out for military service overseas. In many church and civic gatherings, mention is often made of soldiers or their families who are being remembered in prayer. A Sunday afternoon drive through most any town will reveal patriotic banners, waving flags and yellow ribbon-wrapped oak trees -- all of which serve as reminders of those who are serving so sacrificially. Indeed, the groundswell of American patriotism among young and old alike is encouraging.

FIRST-PERSON: Does God speak outside the Bible today?

JACKSON, Tenn. (BP)--Does God speak through tree stumps? The tornadoes that recently ripped through West Tennessee left not only widespread destruction, but also an oddly shaped tree stump that has residents of the Huron community speculating about its spiritual significance. Believing its image to be akin to that of an angel, one citizen testified, "I believe this could be God reminding us through this tree stump that He is still watching over us." She also thinks its shape is just too good to be anything less than a spiritual message. It makes one think -- might God really be trying to say something?

FIRST-PERSON: ‘Bruce Almighty’ not worth the laughs

JACKSON, Tenn. (BP)--To what lengths will society go for entertainment? Outrageous athlete salaries, ridiculous reality TV shows and voyeuristic sitcoms featuring desperately dysfunctional families like the Osbornes have now been topped by Hollywood's "Bruce Almighty," a motion picture created for the mindless entertainment of the masses.

FIRST-PERSON: Asking ‘Why?’ amid the destruction

JACKSON, Tenn. (BP)--The devastation and destruction that recently ravaged Jackson, Tenn., left most people with lingering questions about the nature of life on earth and God in heaven.

FIRST-PERSON: God’s favorite colors are not red, white & blue

JACKSON, Tenn. (BP)--This past Sunday I experienced vividly the tension of living life as a citizen of two kingdoms. Before heading out to church, we unfolded our American flag and carefully hung it on the front of the house for all to see. A silent prayer was offered for the men and women who on this day certainly would rather be on their way to church than Baghdad. Going to church, we took in the war's streaming play-by-play commentary and were greeted in the parking lot by friends wearing yellow ribbons and red, white, and blue buttons in support of our military. It was obvious that there are many devoted to our country and to the efforts in which we are currently embroiled.