
News Articles by Trevin Wax

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FIRST-PERSON: Chuck Colson taught me how to think

Columnist Trevin Wax says he never met Chuck Colson, but the Prison Fellowship founder nevertheless had a tremendous impact on his life and his development of a Christian worldview.

FIRST-PERSON: Christianity in Crisis? A response to Newsweek & Andrew Sullivan

Newsweek's latest cover story that calls for people to "forget the church" and "follow Jesus" actually ends up forgetting Jesus, too, says columnist Trevin Wax.

FIRST-PERSON: Why God doesn’t tell you everything …

A conversation columnist Trevin Wax had with his 7-year-old son helped him realize why God doesn't tell us everything about our future. Wax's son was terrified with the idea that he would move out of the house as an adult.

FIRST-PERSON: How I wish TV debates on homosexuality would go

Columnist Trevin Wax says he wants to see TV interviews about homosexuality go much better, and he provides an example of what it could look like.

FIRST-PERSON: 5 reasons the pro-life movement is winning

The pro-life movement is winning, and there is plenty of evidence to support that conclusion, says columnist Trevin Wax.

FIRST-PERSON: For me, for us, for God

It's essential for Christians to believe that Jesus died "for me," but it's just as important to view Christ's death as being "for us," and "for God," columnist Trevin Wax says.

SBC DISCUSSION: Being Southern Baptist among & for evangelicals

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (BP)–In 1982, James Leo Garrett and E. Glenn Hinson debated the relationship between Southern Baptists and evangelicals. At the time of the debate, the SBC was embroiled in a bitter controversy over the nature of the Bible. Luminaries in the evangelical movement — men like Francis Schaeffer, Harold Lindsell, and Carl Henry — […]

FIRST-PERSON: Don’t let Demas steal your joy

Pastors who may be prone to discouragement because someone they're discipling walks away should look at the Apostle Paul's example, columnist Trevin Wax says. For every Demas, Wax says, there's a Timothy.

FIRST-PERSON: So you want to go deeper in your small group

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (BP)--I once met a youth pastor who was so frustrated with accusations of "shallowness" and demands for "more depth" ...

FIRST-PERSON: Jennifer Knapp and homosexuality: changing the questions

SHELBYVILLE, Tenn. (BP)--After viewing Friday night's "Larry King Live" with Jennifer Knapp, pastor Bob Botsford, and Ted Haggard, I was struck with the question: