LOUISVILLE, Ky. (BP)–Southern Baptist Theological Seminary has added two former seminary presidents — Mark Coppenger and Kenneth Hemphill — to its faculty as distinguished professors.
Coppenger, pastor of Evanston Baptist Church in Evanston, Ill., was president of Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary from 1995-99. He will serve as distinguished professor of apologetics.
Hemphill, national strategist for the Southern Baptist Convention’s Empowering Kingdom Growth (EKG) initiative, served as president of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary from 1994-2003. He will serve as distinguished professor of evangelism, missions and church growth.
Both men will teach part time.
Southern Seminary President R. Albert Mohler Jr. announced the addition of Coppenger and Hemphill during the school’s annual convocation Aug. 23.
In addition to Coppenger and Hemphill, the seminary has added five other faculty members: Gary J. Bredfeldt as professor of leadership and Christian ministry, Duane Garrett as professor of Old Testament interpretation, Brian J. Vickers as assistant professor of New Testament interpretation, Mark R. McClellan as professor of Christian theology and missions at Boyce College and Barry Joslin as instructor of Christian theology at Boyce College.
“This is an incredible array of new members that have joined the faculty of Southern Seminary,” Mohler said. “The professors who have just been introduced would … compose an awesome faculty in themselves.
“It is an historic day when to this faculty are named two former Southern Baptist Convention seminary presidents. We are thrilled to have them join us, adding their heart, their minds, their voice to the Southern Seminary family.”
Mohler also installed Esther R. Crookshank to an endowed professorship. Crookshank will serve as Ollie Hale Chiles Professor of Church Music.
During the service, seven Southern Seminary faculty members signed the Abstract of Principles, the school’s confession of faith. Those signing included Bredfeldt and Garrett, as well as Chad O. Brand, associate professor of Christian theology; William R. Cutrer, professor of church ministry; Russell T. Fuller, associate professor of Old Testament interpretation; Eric L. Johnson, associate professor of personality and pastoral theology; and Douglas C. Walker III, professor of Christian ministry.