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Couple finds help after 36 years

DAYTONA BEACH, Fla. (BP)–Scott Sain said he joked about going to the “Fireproof Your Marriage” conference because as he told his wife Gwen, they’ve been married for 36 years and have a good marriage.

But after the first night, Scott said God got a hold of his heart and said, “You’ve got a good marriage, but it can be really great.”

The couple belong to Westpoint Baptist Church in Rutherfordtown, N.C., where Tim Mann, pastor of First Baptist Church in Daytona Beach, Fla., formerly was on staff. The Sains attended the conference March 27-28.

“This morning first thing when I woke up, I asked Gwen for forgiveness,” Scott said on the second day of the conference. “I know I’ve hurt her feelings over the years. I’ve done some things in this [marriage] I shouldn’t have done.”

Gwen said she was surprised by her husband’s revelations that morning.

“I think it was great that he shared those things with me,” Gwen said. “A lot of times we don’t say things. We don’t want to offend someone, so we don’t go ahead and say it. I really feel like God can speak to each one of us.”

Scott said he learned concepts he’s ready to share with couples who are really hurting and others — including his three married children — who have good marriages that, like most, could be better.

Gwen believes there are hurting families all around who could benefit from what they learned at the conference. One thing that struck her was the truth that people can’t succeed without God and marriages like hers are sustained by His power.

“We are only human and no one can possibly have a perfect marriage, and we have to do it through the power of God, and they continuously brought that out,” Gwen said. “I think it’s important, even the little simple things we can do to make it better. Those things that are in front of us that are immediate, we take care of those, many times, and the important things we let go.”

He is a busy paint contractor and she is a busy elementary school literacy coach, but the Sains said they manage to pull their children and four grandchildren together every Sunday for family dinners — and both are involved in church life.

“God has just blessed us, but if we are not careful … we’re in trouble,” Scott said. “You hear people say, ‘God bless America.’ Well you know, He’s already done that. But He’s not going to do it if we don’t get our ducks in a row and go out and witness to people and share. Like He told us in the Bible, we don’t have a choice. Go out and share His Kingdom.”

Scott said it took him years to understand some biblical concepts, including tithing, but since then he has felt blessed and continues to look for ways to deepen his commitment

“I just thank God that He impressed upon Gwen’s heart for me to come down here,” Scott said. “I love her a lot.”
Joni B. Hannigan is managing editor of the Florida Baptist Witness (www.floridabaptistwitness.com), newsjournal of the Florida Baptist Convention.

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  • Joni B. Hannigan/Florida Baptist Witness