NASHVILLE (BP) — Executive Committee members will receive updates from several groups and discuss referred motions from June’s annual meeting when they gather Sept 18-19.
“Since our last board meeting in June in New Orleans, much has transpired in the Executive Committee,” said Louisiana pastor and EC chairman Philip Robertson. “However, as always, our God is faithful to lead and guide us. I am looking forward to our time together to reliably carry on with the business and ministry assignments entrusted to us. … I ask Southern Baptists to please continue to pray for us as we seek to faithfully serve the convention and the Lord.”
Due to construction surrounding the SBC building in Nashville, the meeting will be held at the Nashville Marriott near Vanderbilt University. Plenary sessions will be livestreamed at Acts2 TV.
One report will come from the presidential search team, whose work and due diligence revealed last month that leading candidate Willie McLaurin had falsified his education background. An EC spokesman told Baptist Press that the results of an internal investigation are expected to be presented to EC members in closed session with findings that “can be made public” to be disclosed afterwards.
The Abuse Reform Implementation Task Force will provide its first in-person report since SBC President Bart Barber announced North Carolina pastor Josh Wester as its new chairman. The group said in its most recent update that names and background information are being vetted for potential inclusion at sbcabuseprevention.com.
“It’s no secret that the Southern Baptist Convention and the Executive Committee face the kinds of challenges right now that we face once a century,” Barber said. “The good news is that in the past, God has led us through all of them and the challenging news is every time it is required of Southern Baptists to step up in terms of leadership and cooperation.
“I’m firmly hopeful that He will empower us to do that again.”
Referrals to be discussed include the viability of future annual meeting locations, protocols of EC staffing and the availability of timely training for EC trustees.
“We’re excited and ready to welcome 13 new SBC Executive Committee members next week,” said Jonathan Howe, interim EC president and CEO. “During our time together, we will work through some very important decisions because our September meeting is when we begin processing motions made by messengers at the 2023 SBC Annual Meeting in New Orleans.”