NASHVILLE, Tenn. (BP)–James does not write about drive-by shootings, killer viruses or Internet IPOs, but with his emphasis on practical application of the faith, the New Testament Book of James is no less relevant today than when it was first written. That’s why LifeWay has selected it as the basis of “How to Live by Faith in a Secular World: A Study of the Book of James,” the January (formerly Winter) Bible Study for 2001.
“The secular world’s values like power, wealth and sexual immorality have taken over and are so prevalent, even in some churches, that we try to remind folks that there are more important values,” said Wayne Ozment, JBS adult materials editor.
“This simple letter from a brother in Christ is a reprieve from the endless assault on Christians’ beliefs, values and sensibilities to which they’re subjected daily,” he said. “And most importantly, this study provides simple instructions on how all Christians can live by faith … even in today’s secular world.”
Through eight chapters, each dedicated to Christian fundamentals outlined in James’ letter, this year’s study encourages participants to: “Learn from Test and Trials,” “Treat All People Right,” “Seek What’s Best For Others …,” “Pray Confidently” and more.
Plus, with its interactive format, this resource challenges readers to apply the Word to their lives and take up James’ challenge to “Do not merely listen to the word … Do what it says” (James1:22).
The January Bible Study Planning and Promotional Pack is available to help churches plan and promote JBS.
“The resources included in this easy-to-use package will help the pastor or JBS director with planning preaching and worship, supporting and promoting the study theme, enlisting workers, scheduling options, encouraging attendance, promoting the study with posters and clip art and more,” said Ozment.
In the same way that using the Family Bible Study series in Sunday school allows the entire church family to study the same topic, churches can include the entire church family in this study of James. In addition to the adult study, the “FUNdamentals: Live It Out!” resources for both older and younger children and “The Practice” study for youth are available.
The How to Live by Faith in a Secular World materials for January Bible Study can be ordered toll-free by phone at 1-800-458-2772, by fax at (615) 251-5933, by e-mail at [email protected] and at LifeWay Christian Stores.