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‘Let’s Roll’ remains atop of LifeWay’s best-sellers

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (BP)–“Let’s Roll” by Lisa Beamer remains in the top-selling spot for the second month on LifeWay’s best-seller list for September.

Beamer’s husband, Todd Beamer, was among the passengers who forced a Sept. 11 hijacked plane to crash in western Pennsylvania rather than Washington.

Max Lucado’s new book, “Love Worth Giving,” premieres at number two.

The national chain of stores, operated by LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention, releases a list of each month’s best-selling hardbacks, paperbacks, fiction and music. All best-sellers will be featured in the stores at discounted prices throughout October.

1. Let’s Roll, Lisa Beamer (Tyndale)
2. Love Worth Giving, Max Lucado (Nelson)
3. Jesus, The One and Only, Beth Moore (Broadman & Holman, trade arm of LifeWay)
4. Wild at Heart, John Eldredge (Nelson)
5. The Name, Franklin Graham (Nelson)
6. Bringing Up Boys, Dr. James Dobson (Tyndale)
7. When Godly People Do Ungodly Things, Beth Moore (B&H)
8. Prisoners of Hope, Dayna Curry & Heather Mercer (Waterbrook)
9. Praying God’s Word, Beth Moore (B&H)
10. Prayer of Jesus, Ken Hemphill (B&H)

1. Power of a Praying Woman, Stormie Omartian (Harvest House)
2. Power of a Praying Wife, Stormie Omartian (Harvest House)
3. Five Love Languages, Gary Chapman (Moody Press)
4. Checklist for Life (Nelson)
5. Power of a Praying Husband, Stormie Omartian (Harvest House)
6. Power of a Praying Parent, Stormie Omartian (Harvest House)
7. Praying God’s Will for Your Life, Stormie Omartian (Nelson)
8. Power of a Positive Mom, Karol Ladd (Howard)
9. Case for Christ, Lee Strobel (Zondervan)
10. Sacred Romance, Brent Curtis & John Eldredge (Nelson)

1. The Rescue, Lori Wick (Harvest House)
2. The Covenant, Beverly Lewis (Bethany House)
3. Cape Refuge, Terri Blackstock (Zondervan)
4. Redeeming Love, Francine Rivers (Multnomah)
5. Remnant, LaHaye & Jenkins (Tyndale)
6. The Healing Quilt, Lauraine Snelling (Appalachian)
7. Mission Compromised, Oliver North (B&H)
8. The Proposal, Lori Wick (Harvest House)
9. The Healer, Dee Henderson (Multnomah)
10. Redemption, Gary Smalley & Karen Kingsburg (Tyndale)

1. Almost There, Mercy Me (Word)
2. Worship, Michael W. Smith (Provident)
3. All Right There, Sara Groves (Word)
4. Girls of Grace, Point of Grace (Word)
5. All the Time in the World, Jump 5 (Chordant)
6. Come Together, Third Day (Provident)
7. Everything Good, Gaither Vocal Band (Chordant)
8. Legacy & Hymns of Faith, Amy Grant (Word)
9. Our Love is Loud, Passion (Chordant)
10. Not To Us, Chris Tomlin (Chordant)

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