FORT WORTH, Texas (BP)–Faculty and students at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary prayed for individual, corporate and national revival during chapel Jan. 27. The seminary devoted its regular chapel prayer time to these matters in recognition to the call by Southern Baptist leaders for a solemn assembly in churches across the nation.
“Our convention is calling for a solemn assembly, a prayer time for our churches, where we pray for revival, where we pray for repentance, where we pray for our nation to be revived and for a resurgence of concern over the Gospel,” Thomas White, vice president for student services and communication at Southwestern, told students.
Pastoral ministry professor Tommy Kiker voiced a public prayer as students with preaching and teaching assignments in local churches kneeled at the front of the auditorium.
“Lord,” Kiker prayed, “may we be determined to examine our own hearts, that we would confess any known sin, put away any doubtful habit, obey the Holy Spirit in all ways, and that we would confess Jesus wholly and publicly in every opportunity we have.”
SBC leadership, including the convention president and presidents of the convention’s entities, issued a call in November for churches to choose a Sunday in January for a solemn assembly to pray for spiritual renewal.
Keith Collier is director of news and information for Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth, Texas (