
SBC Life Articles by Barrett Duke

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FIRST-PERSON: Open your hand to the hungry

With nearly 16,000 children dying every day from hunger-related causes around the world, columnist Barrett Duke challenges Christians to give to the World Hunger Fund.

FIRST-PERSON: Confronting the scourge of pornography

Columnist Barrett Duke says pornography's harm goes well beyond the individual, destroying marriages, families and communities -- and should never be taken lightly.

FIRST-PERSON: Confronting the scourge of pornography

Columnist Barrett Duke says pornography's harm goes well beyond the individual, destroying marriages, families and communities -- and should never be taken lightly.

FIRST-PERSON: Why we shouldn’t legalize marijuana

Columnist Barrett Duke explains why voters should oppose the legalization of marijuana. Three states will consider the issue this fall.

FIRST-PERSON: Why we shouldn’t legalize marijuana

Columnist Barrett Duke explains why voters should oppose the legalization of marijuana. Three states will consider the issue this fall.

FIRST-PERSON: Medical marijuana, an oxymoron

Medical marijuana is an oxymoron because there is very little medicinal value in the dangerous drug, columnist Barrett Duke writes.

FIRST-PERSON: Medical marijuana, an oxymoron

Medical marijuana is an oxymoron because there is very little medicinal value in the dangerous drug, columnist Barrett Duke writes.

A Call to Prayer for the Nation

    In 1857, businessman Jeremiah Lanphier acted on his burden for the spiritual condition of New York City by organizing a prayer meeting. The first gathering on September 23 was attended by only six people. But starting with those six, God began a great revival. Within six months, over ten thousand New York businessmen […]

ANALYSIS: High court to examine ‘Obamacare’

WASHINGTON (BP) -- It's been two years since President Obama signed into law the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare. On Monday, the challenge to the law's constitutionality finally gets to the Supreme Court.

FIRST-PERSON: Church planting — a winning strategy

Ethicist and columnist Barrett Duke says the SBC's focus on church planting will lead not only to more decisions for Christ but could also help lead to a revitalization of the culture.