Lead On Podcast

Bonnie Pritchett/The TEXAN

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Houston to vote on equal rights ordinance

HOUSTON (BP) -- Houston's City Council voted Aug. 5 to put the controversial equal rights ordinance (known as HERO) on the Nov. 3 ballot after a vote to repeal the law failed but not before debate arose over the ballot language.

Planned Parenthood focus of TX senate hearing

AUSTIN, Texas (BP) -- The apparent lack of oversight regarding the donation of human fetal tissue and the possible circuitous implementation of policies overseeing the regulation of Texas' 22 abortion facilities drew focus during the Texas Senate Health and Human Services Committee hearing July 29.

Inner-city church experiences revitalization

HOUSTON (BP) -- Faith Memorial Baptist Church was a small country church in a large urban area. And it was dying. Literally. Within his first eight months as pastor, Andrew Johnson presided over 14 funerals. Two years later, 14 more died to sin and death and publicly proclaimed their Christian faith in a makeshift baptistery at the church's parking lot in Houston, Texas.