Lead On Podcast

Ernest L. Easley

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FIRST-PERSON: What makes the Great Commission great?

It's called the "Great Commission," but why is it "great"? Ernest Easley writes that it's great in its responsibility, its reach and its results.

FIRST-PERSON: Keeping evangelism a priority

Amid the challenges and distractions that pastors face, Ernest Easley relays pointers for keeping evangelism as a church's top priority. Pastors must make it part of their lifestyle, he writes, while also placing it on the church's calendar and in the budget.

FIRST-PERSON: Every church can evangelize

Churches must look for ways to evangelize, Ernest Easley writes, "or we will fossilize." In everyday life, "we need to begin seeing people like Jesus sees people: lost, lonely, hurting, empty and in need of salvation," the college evangelism professor writes.

FIRST-PERSON: Evangelize to revitalize

If a church needs to revitalize, Ernest Easley believes it must evangelize. "People are having a hard time getting saved because we're not sharing Jesus with them," the college evangelism professor and former pastor writes, asking, "Where are the tears for lost souls across the Southern Baptist Convention?"

FIRST-PERSON: They need an invitation

You never know who may be in a worship service and how they might be stirred by the sermon, evangelism professor Ernest Easley writes. The invitation to turn to Christ should be "prayed through and prepared for as much as the message itself," Easley, a former pastor, writes.

FIRST-PERSON: The invited become the inviters

Southern Baptists' decline in baptisms prompts evangelism professor Ernest Easley to suggest: "It's time we get back to inviting people to come to Jesus." Describing invitations to faith as biblical, Easley notes, "The God who initiates a relationship with us and then invites us into that relationship has commissioned us to become the inviters, as we invite the lost to Christ."