FIRST-PERSON: 2 conversations
SAN ANTONIO, Texas (BP) -- Meet Derek and Cynda, wealthy Chicago couple, pillars of Windy City society -- he, a successful senior VP of a thriving corporation; she, a dutiful wife; proud parents of one grown son, Jared, privileged and bred for business savvy.
FIRST-PERSON: A hopeful scenario
MOUNT VERNON, Ga. (BP)--One fine Sunday morning biologist Richard Dawkins and philosopher Daniel Dennett were strolling leisurely along an English country lane ...
FIRST-PERSON: In Minsk, a passion for learning
MOUNT VERNON, Ga. (BP)--Our ministries sometimes turn provincial far too quickly, especially when we avert our eyes from God’s work apart from our little corner of the world. Venturing to Belarus earlier this year, I had the privilege of conducting apologetics seminars for students at Minsk University in the capital city. What a place! It is a city of surviving communist yet fledgling capitalist influences, an amalgam of East meets West. I also spent two days teaching in Hrodna, a smaller city four hours to the west. Once called White Russia, Belarus is blanketed in snow for much of the year, but the hearts of the students were warm beyond measure.
FIRST-PERSON: Creation & history
LOUISVILLE, Ky. (BP)--God's truth is a unified and comprehensive unity, testifying to God as the Author of all truth. These truths -- revealed in the Bible and through nature itself -- are neither at odds with each other nor incapable of being understood as God intended.
FIRST-PERSON: The earth’s age
LOUISVILLE, Ky. (BP)--Akin to a bittersweet symphony, the doctrine of creation is at once discernible and mysterious. When I surprise my students with 14 variations on a theme, it's sometimes 13 more than they bargained for as far as creation theories gleaned from Genesis texts are concerned.
BAPTIST FAITH AND MESSAGE: Article 4d: Glorification
LOUISVILLE, Ky. (BP)--Often a doctrine related to God's overall redemptive plan in Christ receives relatively little attention. The doctrine of glorification seems to reflect this scenario.
FIRST-PERSON: Hubble’s new cosmic eyes
LOUISVILLE, Ky. (BP)--"I can see clearly now ..." the early '70s hit by singer Johnny Nash began.
FIRST-PERSON: Common sense applies to Sept. 11 & naturalism, evolutionary theory
LOUISVILLE, Ky. (BP)--A hijacked Boeing 767 gets swallowed up -- literally -- by the glass, concrete and steel of New York City's WTC north tower, spewing destructive flames in every direction possible. Immediate reaction by the American media and populace: "What a horrible accident! It's unthinkable! What could be worse than this?" Eighteen minutes later another hijacked aerial torpedo buries itself just as fierily into the neighboring tower to the south. Immediate reaction by the worldwide media and global citizenry: "This was no accident! It couldn't have happened by chance! Who could have done such a thing?"
FIRST-PERSON — Doing theology & science: There’s nothing to fear!
LOUISVILLE, Ky. (BP)--Working information about the universe keeps on accumulating at breakneck speed. New discoveries are marking the scientific landscape on a daily basis. Better said, by the hour.
The Colossal Fossil Failure
Journey with me, if you will, into the mists of prehistory some 3.25 million years ago and pretend for a moment that your name is none other that australopithecus africanus, a Latinism invented by men from the future to classify you as a bipedal hominid, or "southern ape." While it's believed that "Lucy" – an […]