
Henry T. Blackaby

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FIRST-PERSON: Certainty of faith in uncertain times

ATLANTA (BP)--Should a Christian, especially one in the marketplace, live with uncertainty in 2002? In the "world" uncertainty abounds. Even the "experts" will not give a certain prediction for the New Year. But what about the clear witness of the Christian?

FIRST-PERSON: Crucified, yet alive with God’s love in the workplace

ATLANTA (BP)--Nothing is more startling in the workplace than one who has indeed "died to the world and the world to him" (Galatians 6:14). No one can make a transformational difference more than just such a person! That person is also more aware of such power to change lives and situations, for it is "no longer [him] but Christ" who lives out his life in and through that person, making all things different!

FIRST-PERSON: Coworkers look to believers when tragic days strike

ATLANTA (BP)--Sept. 11 made a deep mark on the minds and hearts and lives of most every American, and upon the world. During those tragic moments, as news came in like an avalanche, many of God's people were in the marketplace where God had placed them.

FIRST-PERSON: Make sure workplace distractions don’t divert you from God’s plan

ATLANTA (BP)--Too many people never reach their goal which they set for themselves in their workplace. They entered their workplace with a clear sense of mission and a high determination "to make a difference." Along the way there is a trembling, or a sorrow, or even a sense of failure that the highest and best of ideals are not and may not be reached.

FIRST-PERSON: An open witness in the marketplace

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (BP)--It is not only imperative for others, but your own life, to give a gentle, clear, and effective witness to Jesus Christ in the marketplace where God has placed you. Jesus made it abundantly clear that every Christian is salt and light. Each Christian can and should have a real and dynamic influence on others. A clear sharing about Jesus is one way that God has purposed for this influence to be effective: