Lead On Podcast

Igor Rotar

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Uzbek secret police threaten 2 Baptists with imprisonment

OSLO, Norway (BP)-Officers with Uzbekistan's secret police, the National Security Service, interrogated two Baptists in the northwest Uzbek city of Urgench, "beating one up and threatening both with imprisonment, saying that 'we will put you away for years,'" according to a report by Forum 18 News Service.

Mystery surrounds suspects in killing of Tajik pastor

ISFARA, Tajikistan (BP)--Despite intense media speculation, mystery surrounds a group of men arrested in April in northern Tajikistan and charged with various crimes, including the murder of local Baptist pastor and missionary Sergei Besarab last January.

Pastor slain while kneeling in prayer in Tajikistan

OSLO, Norway (BP)--An investigation has been launched in Tajikistan into the killing of a Baptist pastor in a region known for its devotion to Islam, according to Forum 18 News Service.

Baptist church in Uzbekistan contests officials’ closure

LONDON (BP)--A Baptist church continues to wait for a reply to a letter it sent to Uzbekistan's justice ministry complaining about official claims that its registration in 1998 was only "temporary" and that it needs to be re-registered to be allowed to function.

Kazakh family loses home for leading unregistered church

LONDON (BP)--A Baptist family has been denied access to their home in Kazakhstan, which also has left a local Baptist congregation without its regular meeting place as government authorities continue a crackdown against unregistered religious communities, Keston News Service has reported.