
SBC Life Articles by Judy Woodward Bates

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FIRST-PERSON: With gas prices rising, ‘staycations’ more popular

You might as well go ahead and add this word to your vocabulary and your summer plans: "staycation," columnist Judy Woodward Bates says.

FIRST-PERSON: Parents & prodigal children

DORA, Ala. (BP)--"Michael Jones was one of the sweetest kids I ever had the pleasure of having in one of my Bible classes ..."

FIRST-PERSON: 12 spiritual tips for 2011

DORA, Ala. (BP)--As the New Year rolls around, many folks will make New Year's resolutions to change or improve something in their lives.

FIRST-PERSON: What would you trade for money?

DORA, Ala. (BP)--In a previous article, I made the statement that we exchange our time for money.

FIRST-PERSON: Making wise use of your time

DORA, Ala. (BP)--If I asked the question, "How do you earn your living?" I'd get a lot of different responses.

FIRST-PERSON: Websites to save you money

DORA, Ala. (BP)--There's a wealth of info in cyberspace that can help you and your family save time and money.

Quick tips for saving money

DORA, Ala. (BP)--Want to know the quickest way to save money? Stop spending what you already have.

Worrying about finances

DORA, Ala. (BP)--Bob Dylan sang it many years ago, and it's still true today: "The times, they are a-changin."

Tips for tough times

DORA, Ala. (BP)--With fuel prices soaring and real estate foreclosures on the rise, we're living in some pretty scary economical times, aren't we?

Finding the real pearl

DORA, Ala. (BP)--In Matthew 13:45-46, we read a parable Jesus teaches about the Kingdom of Heaven: "The kingdom of heaven is like a merchant in search of fine pearls. When he found one priceless pearl, he went and sold everything he had, and bought it."