Lead On Podcast

Katelyin Goodwin/The Pathway

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Via video games, brothers are online missionaries

WENTZVILLE, Mo. (BP) -- Video games -- with their reputation for violence, sexual content and profanity -- are probably not the first thought in anyone's mind when it comes to evangelistic outreach. For a pair of brothers from Wentzville, Mo., the millions of people who play video games represent an opportunity. With a camera, a video game, an internet connection and infectious personalities, Joshua and Daniel Greening are leading hearts to Christ in a virtual world. Joshua, 19, and Daniel, 16, use Twitch -- an online platform for players to stream their games for people to watch around the world -- as their vehicle of outreach. Viewers can watch in real time as the Greenings play their games, and Twitch also offers a chat function so that viewers can talk to the streamers and to each other.