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Olivia Tulley

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‘12th Imam,’ key facet of Islamic prophecy, fueling Middle East turmoil, experts say

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (BP)--Among the nearly 68 million people in Iran, the vast majority are Muslim who place their hope not in modern-day politics or rulers but in a person who walked the earth centuries ago and is promised to return.

Strife over cartoons clouds Islam’s image

FORT WORTH, Texas (BP)--Tensions over whether Islam is a religion of peace or violence continue to fester, as anger and violence over a set of political cartoons continues worldwide.
      “This cartoonist has done with a drop of ink what [Satanic Verses author] Salmon Rushdie was not able to do with hundreds of pages of material,” said Emir Caner, dean of The College at Southwestern in Fort Worth, Texas, and coauthor of the book “Unveiling Islam.”
      A Danish daily newspaper, Jyllands-Posten, originally published 12 cartoons depicting Muhammad in September. Anger and violence erupted in numerous countries in January when the cartoons were republished, initially in a Norwegian newspaper followed by other European papers. Though the Danish paper apologized for any offense caused to Muslims, it defended the printing of the drawings as legitimate freedom of speech.

Palestinian elections help global Islamic goals, prof says

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Militants’ moment
Ismail Haniya, whose name led Hamas’ candidate list, may become the Palestinians’ prime minister. Attending a victory rally after the Jan. 25 elections, Haniya is surrounded by armed body guards at the Jabalya refugee camp. Photo by Levine Heidi/SIPA
MILL VALLEY, Calif. (BP)--Plans of Islamic militants to take control of the world may seem laughable to many Americans, but the recent victory of a radical Islamic party in the Palestinian parliamentary elections is far from a laughing matter to William Wagner.
      In his book, “How Islam Plans to Change the World,” the missions professor reported a clear strategy of da’wah (missions), the presence of mosques; and jihad (holy war) has been set in place by Islamic leaders in order to gain control and dominance.

Prof: Khomeini book set forth ‘grand strategy’ for Islam

MILL VALLEY, Calif. (BP)--As William Wagner sifted through the pages of Ayatollah Khomeini’s book on Islamic government, an outline became apparent that was far more than the basics of how government works in the Muslim world. It was a guide for militant Muslims to take worldwide control.