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Toni Braddix

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Ebola deaths & fears return to Central Africa

DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF CONGO (BP) -- The second-worst Ebola epidemic in history is taking place in the eastern part of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The disease has claimed more than 1,900 lives since the outbreak garnered World Health Organization concern in August of last year. In the 2014-2016 Ebola outbreak in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone, more than 11,000 deaths were recorded, according to WHO records.

Students in Kenya to hold day of prayer

NAIROBI, Kenya (BP) -- In an attempt to counter the fear, suspicion and anxiety that followed last week's (April 2) terrorist attack at Garissa University in eastern Kenya, Christian students at the University of Nairobi are organizing a day of fasting and prayer on their campus. A Christian worker in Kenya shared his belief that even terrorists can be reconciled to God. "The only way to stop terrorism is by the Gospel transforming the would-be attackers," he said. "As in the case of Paul the Apostle, these men once transformed could turn the world of terror upside down for the glory of God."

Niger’s persecuted Christians ‘upbeat,’ faithful

NIAMEY, Niger (BP) -- Persecuted Christians in the West African country of Niger remain "very upbeat" and continue to move forward despite attacks in their country earlier this year. International Mission Board strategy leader Greg Dorsey* said local Christians told him, "We've only lost things. We've not lost the church, just some buildings."

Will South Africa keep Mandela’s ideals?

LONDON (BP) -- Former African missionary Toni Braddix reflects on the life of Nelson Mandela and shares her hopes for South Africa's future.

S. African students ready to witness

JOHANNESBURG, South Africa (BP)–With the World Cup’s influx of international sports fans to Johannesburg, students at Northmead Baptist Church say they’re ready. “As Christians, we will use it as an evangelism opportunity to tell the countries where there aren’t believers, to tell them the Word of God,” says Michael Chaparika, 18, a member of the […]