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2024 SBC Annual Meeting

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Remote participation in annual meeting an ongoing topic of discussion

NASHVILLE (BP) – The debate over how to increase participation at the Southern Baptist Convention Annual Meeting isn’t a new one. But even advances in technology don’t solve some of the inherent problems in remote participation, SBC Executive Committee members agreed last week.

2024 SBC Annual now online

NASHVILLE (BP) – The 2024 SBC Annual is now available online. The book is filled with key reports and information concerning the work of the Southern Baptist Convention and its entities.

IMB mobilizers call Southern Baptists of all ethnicities to ‘put their yes on the table’

INDIANAPOLIS (BP) – Anyone can leverage the gifts God has given them to reach the nations with the Gospel, said the International Mission Board’s three ethnic mobilizers during a panel discussion in Indianapolis.

Mississippi church maxes out its messengers for the first time

TUPELO, Miss. (BP) – Nearly 11,000 messengers made the trip to the Indiana Convention Center last month for the 2024 SBC Annual Meeting and Pastors’ Conference. The event included almost 200 ancillary events and gatherings, and the total crowd included not just messengers but also more than 3,000 guests, not to mention 2,740 exhibitors.

Education key to reengaging churches in CP

INDIANAPOLIS (BP) – Many times, the reason a church disengages from the Cooperative Program is simple. And that often means getting that church reengaged can be simple too.

‘Underwrite and undergird’ work of Southern Baptists, Black pastors exhort one another

INDIANAPOLIS (BP) – At St. Stephen Baptist Church, a majority African American church ministering in mostly Hispanic La Puente, Calif., the Cooperative Program ranks a line item on the church’s budget.

SBC DIGEST: NOBTS focuses on missions during annual luncheon; SBTS celebrates record summer enrollment

Dew talks about restarting the missions engine at NOBTS; Mohler says strength of SBTS can be seen in pulpits and on the mission field

La resolución sobre FIV es el “primer paso” de la SBC en el debate sobre tecnología reproductiva

INDIANAPOLIS (BP) – Los mensajeros de la SBC hablaron por primera vez de la fecundación in vitro (FIV) el 12 de junio, adoptando una resolución sobre el tema tras un debate a veces emotivo en el que los mensajeros compartieron sus experiencias personales con las tecnologías reproductivas.

Passion for Great Commission drives Eddie Lopez’s mesh of ministry, business

FORT WORTH, Texas (BP) – Eduardo “Eddie” Lopez likens himself to the Old Testament Prophet Jonah.

FIRST-PERSON: Children are to be desired but not by any means possible

Last week, messengers to the Southern Baptist Convention meeting in Indianapolis overwhelmingly adopted a resolution focused on the dignity of the human embryo and the ethical realities of commonly used reproductive technologies like in vitro fertilization (IVF).