BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (BP) — Several Christian ministries — including 9Marks and Baptist21 — will offer events on topics ranging from growing healthy churches to current issues in the Southern Baptist Convention for messengers and others attending the SBC’s June 11-12 annual meeting in Birmingham, Ala.
Among them:
— 9Marks, a ministry to help pastors grow healthy churches, will hold panel discussions Monday and Tuesday, June 10-11, from 9-10:30 p.m. in the Theater of the Birmingham-Jefferson Convention Complex. The June 10 discussion will focus on “Are healthy churches enough for today’s problems?” and feature 9Marks editorial director Jonathan Leeman and 9Marks co-founder Mark Dever, pastor of Capitol Hill Baptist Church in Washington. The June 11 discussion will focus on the current state of the SBC and will feature Dever; H.B. Charles, pastor of Shiloh Metropolitan Baptist Church in Jacksonville, Fla.; Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary President Danny Akin; and Southern Baptist Theological Seminary President R. Albert Mohler Jr. Admission is free to both events.
— Baptist21 (B21) will host a June 11 luncheon and panel discussion on current issues in the SBC, according to an email from the group. The gathering will convene during the SBC annual meeting’s lunch break in the Concert Hall of the Birmingham-Jefferson Convention Complex. Panelists will include Southern Baptist Theological Seminary President R. Albert Mohler Jr.; Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission President Russell Moore; SBC President J.D. Greear; author and Bible teacher Jen Wilkin; Vice President of the North American Mission Board’s Send Network Dhati Lewis; and Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary President Danny Akin. Registration at is $13 until May 12 and $18 thereafter. B21 was founded by younger Southern Baptists to address issues relevant to Southern Baptists in the 21st century.
— Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary will host a For The Church luncheon June 11 centered on the theme “Together for the Church: Denominational Unity, Collaboration and Mission.” The gathering will convene during the SBC annual meeting’s lunch break in the South Exhibit Hall, Level 1, at the Birmingham-Jefferson Convention Complex. Speakers will include Midwestern President Jason Allen, SBC Executive Committee President-elect Ronnie Floyd, International Mission Board President Paul Chitwood and North American Mission Board President Kevin Ezell. Registration at is $10 through June 1 and slightly more thereafter. The event includes free books for all attendees.
— Replicate Ministries will provide a report on “the five surprising reasons your church isn’t as healthy as you think,” the group said in an email. The report will be available in the SBC exhibit hall daily for pastors and church leaders. The Replicate team will be available at its booth to discuss strategies to address the report’s findings with pastors and other church leaders. Details are available at Additionally, Replicate will be giving away “Make Disciples” T-shirts while supplies last.
— The Fellowship of Baptist World Ministries (FBWM) will host a breakfast Monday, June 10, at 8 a.m. in Forum H of the Birmingham-Jefferson Convention Complex. A keynote address will be delivered by International Mission Board President Paul Chitwood. Additionally, FBWM President Tom Hatley will share updates about the fellowship. To make reservations, email Rodney Cavett, the organization’s treasurer, at [email protected]. FBWM is an association of mission organizations who work in covenant with the IMB to conduct evangelism and discipleship throughout the world.
— Connect 316 has disbanded as an organization and therefore will not host its traditional gathering at the SBC annual meeting. “On Monday, October 29, 2018, the Connect 316 Executive Board met and discussed direction,” former board member Tim Barnette said via email. “After much prayer and discussion, we decided to dissolve Connect 316 as an organization…. Believing that much of what we did was already being duplicated better by Leighton Flowers of Soteriology 101, we decided to donate our funds to his organization and support his ministry with whatever ‘platforms’ we as individuals might have.” According to the group’s former website, Connect316 was a ministry fellowship that affirmed a doctrine of salvation between that of Calvinism and Arminianism, holding that Christ died for the sins of every person.