GRAND BAY, Ala. (BP) — It’s not every day that a church is robbed, but it’s even less common for the offender to return what was stolen with a written apology.
First Baptist Church Grand Bay, Ala., had placed American flags across its campus to celebrate July 4. Ribbons were placed on each of the flags to honor veterans of the U.S. armed forces.
On Sunday, July 5, members of First Baptist noticed that four of the flags were missing, according to a WPMI 15 report. Turns out, they had been stolen.
Later, the thief, who remained anonymous, returned the flags with a note asking forgiveness for the deed.
The letter reads, in part, “I am sorry for taking the flags. I did not mean any disrespect though I know it was wrong. I asked for forgiveness as soon as I got them. I was drinking and had a dumb idea. … Again, I truly apologize and here are your flags back well took (sic) care of. I am not a bad person, just a little messed up but I am spiritual and have begged forgiveness. Please forgive me. Sincerely, I’m sorry.”
The individual added, “P.S. The flags are beautiful and I love God and America.”
Royce Dubose, pastor of First Baptist, told WPMI that First Baptist does not know who the culprit was, adding: “to be honest with you, we don’t want to know.
“And not because we are angry at them but because we don’t want to embarrass them. We don’t want them to feel any more remorse than they are already feeling.”
A July 6 post on the church’s Facebook page features photos of the returned flags and of the offender’s apology letter. Church leaders said they accepted the unnamed perpetrator’s apology but also invited him or her to attend their church.
“Praise God our stolen flags from First Baptist Church Grand Bay were returned with a note of apology. We would like to let whoever it was, since you didn’t sign your note, know that your apology is accepted and you are invited to attend our Church services anytime,” the post said.