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Bible Study: Stop grumbling, be grateful

NASHVILLE (BP) – This weekly Bible study appears in Baptist Press in a partnership with Lifeway Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention. Through its Leadership and Adult Publishing team, Lifeway publishes Sunday School curricula and additional resources for all age groups.

This week’s Bible study is adapted from The Gospel Project curriculum.

Bible Passage: Numbers 11

Discussion Questions:

  • Why do you think we struggle to find contentment with the good gifts the Lord provides?
  • How can having an attitude of gratitude keep us from falling into sin?
  • How can we help one another be content with what God has given us?

Food for Thought:

If you have ever read an online review for a restaurant, hotel or product, you know that there are those who love to complain. The truth is, we all complain at one time or another. And there is always something to complain about, because we do not live in a perfect world. Yet we do have a perfect God, and He hears when our complaints are addressed to Him.

In Numbers 11, though God provided for the Israelites’ needs in the wilderness, they focused instead on the variety of food they had in Egypt. They grumbled against God, discounting His faithfulness. This angered God and Moses, who was so distraught and found his leadership role so burdensome he asked to die.

God responded with grace but also judgment. He delegated 70 men to help carry the load of leadership to support Moses. But He also told Moses that the people would eat meat “until it comes out of [their] nostrils” (v. 20). Moses questioned God if it was even possible to find enough meat for everyone, but God reminded him that His arm was not weak. In other words, He is a mighty God. Later in verse 33, we read that God brought an abundance of quail to the people; but also that because of His anger, it became a plague that destroyed many of them.

When we are ungrateful and forget God and His faithfulness, there are repercussions. Because of the extreme goodness, graciousness and faithfulness of God, our complaints are an attack on God and His character. Being an almighty, supreme God, complaints to Him are like criminal offenses, worse than insults in the face of a president or foreign dignitary.

Consequences result from our sin of complaining.

God desires our faith and gratefulness. He desires from us a humble spirit that sees everything we have as a gift from Him, our heavenly Father, who knows how to give good gifts. This is seen today primarily in the gift of His Son.

Jesus’ sacrifice and work on the cross should remind us of all that God gave up to save us, His beloved children. Jesus Himself is the ultimate gift, and yet He gives us even more. When we complain against God, we sin because we have rejected Him and His good gifts.

Let us always be mindful that all the good gifts we have are because of God, because of His love, grace and mercy. And in so doing, it should help us stop our sinful grumbling.

The Gospel Project

The Gospel Project is a chronological, Christ-centered study for kids, students and adults. The Bible is not a collection of stories. It is one story of God’s plan to rescue His people from sin and death. It is the story of redemption, the gospel message of Jesus Christ. More information can be found at

Other ongoing Bible study options for all ages offered by Lifeway can be found at

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  • Staff/Lifeway Christian Resources