AMMAN, Jordan (BP)–Southeastern Seminary missionary Brent Brown* approached the village mosque hesitantly, unsure about the invitation from the village Muslim leader to talk openly about his Christian faith inside a mosque to a crowd of over 200 Muslims.
That day, three Muslims converted to Christianity.
Brown and his mission workers in Southeast Asia unashamedly walk up to village Muslim religious leaders and ask permission to tell the people about Jesus. “And the Muslim religious leaders generally don’t have a problem with it,” Brown said.
“If the village leaders say we can stay and preach, we stay. But if they say no, we dust off our feet and leave. There have only been two people to ever say no,” he said.
Brown has worked as a two-plus-two Southeastern Seminary missionary with the International Mission Board for over a year and a half and has seen over 200 baptisms and four churches planted.
“When I look back, it’s amazing to see what God has done,” said the seminary student from Forest City, N.C. “I really cannot put a finger on it. All of a sudden, things are happening here in this country.”
In the northern part of the country, it is estimated that there are over 50,000 believers, most training to lead others to Christ all across the country.
“The time is now,” Brown said. “This Southeast Asian country seems to be so open toward the Gospel.”
Last year, an independent national T.V. channel aired the Jesus Film in the national language. Despite the rioting that ensued, broadcasters aired the film a second time on Easter.
The Southeast Asians in this small country have had full access to the Gospel, which is quite a feat for an overwhelming predominately Muslim country.
As the number of Muslim converts begins to grow, so does the rate of persecution.
“I know a national believer who has deep scars on his body where he has been tortured for his faith,” Brown said. “But this national believer has unwavering faith.”
The hope of the church planting movement lies with the national believers who will begin to evangelize their neighboring villages, Brown said.
“Our goal is to transfer the knowledge of the Bible so that national believers lead services,” he explained.
“We don’t know when the door will close, so the time to spread the gospel is now.”
Names have been changed and regions are generalized for reasons of security. (BP) photo posted in the BP Photo Library at https://www.bpnews.net. Photo title: SEEING RESULTS.