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EC Search Team resumes candidacy talks with McLaurin

Willie McLaurin, interim president and CEO of the SBC Executive Committee, gives the EC's report to messengers at the 2022 SBC meeting in Anaheim. BP file photo

NASHVILLE (BP) – The SBC Executive Committee search team says they have resumed conversations with EC Interim President and CEO Willie McLaurin about his candidacy for the permanent position. The information was emailed to EC members Monday morning and shared with Baptist Press.

“Considering the many endorsements from pastors, state convention leaders, and national entity heads, and considering an overwhelming sense in our hearts that we are being obedient to the Holy Spirit, your present search team decided that we should continue where the former search team left off by doing our own due diligence and interviews with Dr. Willie McLaurin, Interim President/CEO of the SBC Executive Committee,” Neal Hughes, committee chair wrote in the email.

Hughes said since the group’s meeting in New Orleans during the SBC annual meeting, they have been busy with “face-to-face gatherings, zoom meetings, numerous email discussions, and much research.”

He thanked his fellow EC members for their encouragement and prayer support.

McLaurin has been the EC’s interim leader since February 2022 following the Oct. 2021 resignation of Ronnie Floyd.

In May, the EC declined the recommendation of Jared Wellman by the original search team.

The release said the search team is planning another update within the next six weeks.

In addition to Hughes, director of the missions for the Montgomery Baptist Association in Montgomery, Ala., the search team members include:

  • Nick Sandefur, committee vice chair and senior pastor of Porter Memorial Baptist Church in Nicholasville, Ky.
  • Nancy Spalding, committee secretary and member of Cornerstone Baptist Church in Roseville, Mich.
  • Corey Cain, lead pastor of Seymour First Baptist Church in Seymour, Tenn.
  • Drew Landry, senior pastor of Spotswood Baptist Church near Fredericksburg, Va.
  • Sarah Rogers, women’s ministry leader at Christ Fellowship Church in Greenville, S.C.

Philip Robertson, senior pastor of Philadelphia Baptist Church in Alexandria, La., is an ex officio member in his role as EC chair.