News Articles

FIRST-PERSON: Finding light amid the darkness

EULESS, Texas (BP)–When I was a young man, living in east Tennessee, I often fished for trout in the Great Smoky Mountain National Park. On one such occasion, a friend and I had finished fishing for the day and were heading back to our campsite. On our way, we encountered a group of Boy Scouts who had lost their way as the night was creeping toward the jet-black darkness of the mountains asleep.

As you can imagine, they practically jumped for joy when they ran into my friend and me. After all, we were very familiar with the mountains and could actually help them find their way home. The sweetest sight for those boys was the silhouette of two young men with fishing rods heading toward them. We did lead the boys back to their camp, and then made our way toward our own.

I think about the darkness of the mountains, the potential tragedy those boys eluded in finding guidance through the dark, I am reminded of Jesus’ words: “I am the light of the world, the one who follows me will not walk about in darkness, but will receive the light of life” (John 8:12).

Jesus’ words teach us that we don’t have to be scared or intimidated by the darkness of the world. In fact, if we follow Jesus, he will guide us through the darkness and we will receive the light that directs us through the storms we face: job loss or job transition, family troubles, death, relationship struggles, financial disaster and spiritual crises.

When we follow Jesus, we’re like those Boy Scouts when they saw my friend and me: We’ll happily follow the One who knows the way home.

Our families desperately need the guiding light of Jesus Christ in our homes. In the Old Testament Book of Proverbs, wisdom stands on the street corners and at the gates of the cities crying for simple people (just like you and me) to listen to her voice and adhere to what she says. In the New Testament, Jesus boldly proclaims that he is the light who guides and directs us in wisdom, understanding, peace and life.

Our homes will never have the direction, guidance, light or life without the direct guidance of our Savior, Jesus Christ. He truly is standing at our jobs, in our homes, at the shopping malls, by the television and at the movies, saying, “Listen to me, children; I am the Light of the World. Without me, you and your families will walk in darkness. You need wisdom and direction in this confusing culture. Take my hand, and let me guide you with the light of God.”
For more of Dr. Thomas’ resources, visit LifePoints, at www.firstonthe.net.

    About the Author

  • Claude Thomas