ALEXANDRIA, La. (BP) — Sticker shock — I’m sure you’ve experienced it:
— You need just a few things from the store. You grab a cart and soon find yourself paying for lots of stuff that wasn’t on your list.
— You buy that new car or truck and the reality of the payment quickly sets in.
— You lower your thermostat in July, then the bill arrives in the early part of August. Ouch!
There’s truth in the old adage, “It all adds up.”
You make a routine of enjoying the free donuts in the breakroom and you snack through the evening news. You didn’t mean to gain weight; it happened by “snaccident”!
Little things add up in bad ways and good ways.
On one occasion as Jesus was addressing those who gathered around, He said, “A farmer went out to sow his seed. As he was scattering the seed, some fell along the path, and the birds came and ate it up. Some fell on rocky places, where it did not have much soil. It sprang up quickly, because the soil was shallow. But when the sun came up, the plants were scorched, and they withered because they had no root. Other seed fell among thorns, which grew up and choked the plants. Still other seed fell on good soil, where it produced a crop — a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown” (Matthew 13:3-9).
Little things, over time, can produce big results. I call this the “sum” of the “some.”
Wherever your feet take you today, you have the opportunity to scatter seeds. Some will make no difference. They simply bounce off the soil and lie there unnoticed. Some appear to take root only to quickly die. Some start showing potential only to be choked by the distractions of life. But some land in good soil that has been waiting for the right seed to be scattered at just the right time. These seeds sprout roots, break through the soil and become visible for all to see.
The “sum” of the “some” has great potential — even up to a hundred times more than what was scattered.
You can scatter this life-changing seed.
These are not church seeds (“Come to our building”). They are not spiritual seeds (“You need to be a better person”). These are seeds of God’s truth that have the potential to change lives here, and hereafter. They are seeds that lead to true freedom (John 8:32).
You don’t need a seminary degree. You don’t have to be a public speaker or an extrovert. Simply go to, a multimedia initiative of Louisiana Baptists, and share the “Here for You” videos using your preferred social media platform.
— Add comments.
— Click share.
— Tweet and retweet them.
— Message the spots to friends.
— Post them from YouTube onto your page.
— Pin them.
— Make these seeds a part of your prayer list.
Every time you do, you are scattering “some” seeds of God’s truth with those who view your posts. Some will scroll past your post. Some will stop for a second, but move on. Some will watch the short video and possibly click “like.” But some will watch the spot, go to and watch similar videos. Some will click on the Gospel presentation and decide to follow Jesus.
It all begins when “some” people take a moment to scatter “some” seeds of truth.
Will you scatter some seeds with us? The sum of these efforts could change thousands of lives for eternity.