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MARRIAGE DIGEST: Homosexual GOP group won’t back Bush

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (BP)–The nation’s largest organization of homosexual Republicans has voted not to endorse President Bush, saying his push for a constitutional marriage amendment has led to “anger” and “disappointment” among its members.

The 22-2 vote by the Log Cabin Republicans’ board of directors Sept. 7 is the first time the group has withheld its endorsement of the GOP presidential candidate. The group opened its Washington, D.C., office in 1993 and endorsed Bob Dole in 1996 and Bush in 2000.

“Log Cabin’s decision was made in response to the White House’s strategic political decision to pursue a re-election strategy catered to the radical right,” Log Cabin Republicans Executive Director Patrick Guerriero said in a statement. “The President’s use of the bully pulpit, stump speeches and radio addresses to support a Constitutional amendment has encouraged the passage of discriminatory laws and state constitutional amendments across America.”

The group will not endorse any presidential candidate but instead will work to elect likeminded GOP candidates for the House and Senate and defeat “the radical right.”

“There is a battle for the heart and soul of the Republican Party, and that fight is bigger than one platform, one convention, or even one President,” Guerriero said.

Said Log Cabin political director Chris Barron: “[I]t is impossible to overstate the depth of anger and disappointment caused by the President’s support for an anti-family Constitutional Amendment.”

The group’s move results in an even sharper contrast between Bush and Democratic candidate John Kerry on homosexual-related issues. Kerry, who opposes a constitutional marriage amendment, has been endorsed by the nation’s largest homosexual activist organization, the Human Rights Campaign. In fact, HRC issued a statement praising the decision by the Log Cabin Republicans.

CALIF. LAW UPHELD — A California judge upheld a state domestic partnership law Sept. 8 that goes into effect in 2005 and will give same-sex couples most of the legal benefits of marriage without using the word “marriage.” Pro-family groups had sued, saying the law violates a state law that bans same-sex “marriage.” The ruling is being appealed.

Two pro-family legal groups — Liberty Counsel and the Alliance Defense Fund — are involved in the case.

“The law is a sneaky, end-run around the will of the people,” Robert Tyler of the Alliance Defense Fund said in a statement.

In 2000 California voters passed by a 61-39 percent margin Proposition 22 banning same-sex “marriage.

Superior Court Judge Loren McMaster asserted that the domestic partnership law, which was signed in 2003 by then-Gov. Gray Davis, does not violate Proposition 22.

“Proposition 22 denied same-sex couples the right to be married and prohibits the State of California from recognizing any marriage between same-sex couples; it did not preclude the Legislature from giving certain rights to persons who have registered as domestic partners,” McMaster wrote.

But Liberty Counsel President Mathew Staver disagreed, noting in a statement: “Marriage is more than just a label…. The people have spoken and the courts must respect their decision.”

SUPPORT FOR ORE. AMENDMENT — A poll of “very likely” voters in Oregon shows that 61 percent support the constitutional marriage amendment that will be on that state’s Nov. 2 ballot. The poll of 507 voters was conducted Aug. 26-Sept. 1 by Riley Research Associates. Thirty-four percent were opposed to the amendment, which would protect the traditional definition of marriage and ban same-sex “marriage”

All voting in Oregon is done by mail, and most voters will receive their ballots beginning the week of Oct. 15. Oregon’s unique system means that the two sides in the amendment debate have just over one month to make their case.

DOMA WEBSITE LAUNCHED — The pro-family legal group Alliance Defense Fund has launched a website to provide up-to-date information on state and federal lawsuits involving Defense of Marriage Acts (DOMAs). Approximately 38 states have Defense of Marriage Acts banning same-sex “marriage.” A 1996 national law, also called the Defense of Marriage Act, prevents the federal government from recognizing same-sex “marriage” and gives states the option of doing the same.

The website’s address is

“There is a strategic effort by radical activists to target Defense of Marriage Acts and this Web site will provide resources needed to defend against this growing assault,” Glen Lavy of the Alliance Defense Fund said in a statement.

Nationwide, nine states have been sued by those seeking same-sex “marriage” legalization.

WINK, WINK? — The Democratic National Convention in Boston largely ignored the same-sex “marriage” issue, but that doesn’t mean it wasn’t discussed behind the scenes, one homosexual activist says.

“I call it the Stepford convention,” Robin Tyler of told a reporter for Knight Ridder Newspapers. “Everybody is going by the script because they are so afraid that Bush will get in. But behind the scenes, it’s like don’t worry, wink, wink; we’ll take care of you.”
For more information about the national debate over same-sex “marriage,” visit

    About the Author

  • Michael Foust