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TRUSTEES: Whitfield elected SEBTS’ VP for academic admin.

WAKE FOREST, N.C. (BP) — Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary’s board of trustees named Keith Whitfield as the new vice president for academic administration at its biannual meeting Oct. 12.

Whitfield joined the Southeastern faculty in 2012 as an assistant professor of theology and was soon named the associate dean of the College at Southeastern. Since 2014, he has served as the associate vice president of institutional effectiveness and faculty communications.

The vice president for academic administration position is a new addition to the leadership of Southeastern. In his new role, Whitfield will assist the provost and deans in the management and implementation of academic matters. The position also oversees institutional effectiveness, the registrar’s office and library services.

Provost Bruce Ashford said of Whitfield, “Through his previous role as associate vice president for institutional effectiveness, Dr. Whitfield has come to be known as a thoughtful and exceptionally competent administrator.”

“Through his continuing role as a faculty member, we have also come to know him as a caring teacher and proficient scholar,” he said. “All of those qualities combine to make him the perfect person to fill this new and significant role.”

Southeastern President Danny Akin said, “Keith Whitfield is a godly man devoted to Christ and His church. He is without question the perfect person for this job and will be a welcomed addition to our leadership team.”

Whitfield received his bachelor of science from Clemson University and earned his master of divinity in biblical and theological studies and master of theology degrees from Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He received his doctorate in philosophy from Southeastern in 2013.

Whitfield previously served as a teaching fellow and a member of the dean’s cabinet at New College Franklin in Franklin, Tenn., and led Waverly Baptist Church in Waverly, Va., for five years as senior pastor. He is currently a lay elder at Imago Dei Church in Raleigh and serves on the board of the Biblical Recorder, newsjournal of the Baptist State Convention of North Carolina.

In addition, Southeastern’s trustees:

— approved curriculum changes to the master of divinity degree.

— approved the creation of new student aid accounts, including the Jeannie Elliff Student Aid Fund, Robert W. Kester Student Aid Fund, Herring Student Aid Fund and McGill Memorial Student Aid Fund.

— approved the closeout of the 2011-2014 strategic plan.

— approved the 2016-2017 strategic goals as follows: enhance critical thinking through writing, reflect kingdom diversity and orient the institution to address the needs of non-traditional students.

— voted to begin the process of updating the campus facilities master plan.

    About the Author

  • Cassity Potter

    Cassity Potter is news and information specialist at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary.

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