News Articles

WMU on-line bookstore offers range of features

BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (BP)–Woman’s Missionary Union has opened a bookstore on the Internet at
The on-line store is divided into three virtual areas: WMU, New Hope Publishers and WorldCrafts.
Visitors can view WMU resources by author, title or subject. The bookstore can also be searched by title, author, subject, reading level and price. The Recommendation Center features various New Hope, WMU and WorldCrafts products. Visitors to the site are encouraged to add their own suggestions.
The first 100 people to place an order at the WMU on-line store were to receive a 40 percent discount, excluding subscription and WorldCrafts items. Other discounts and special promotions will be offered in the future.
WMU has taken measures to ensure the safety of credit card use at the bookstore. Orders placed on-line are in a secured area. WMU uses Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encryption, the industry standard and best available secure transaction technology.
March 1 marks the one-year anniversary of the WMU website, Future plans for the site include chat rooms and e-mail postcards.

Rowell is WMU’s webmaster.

    About the Author

  • Lisa Camino Rowell