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Yeats to be renominated record. secretary

LOUISVILLE, Ky. (BP)–John L. Yeats, recording secretary of the Southern Baptist Convention since 1998, will be nominated for another one-year term during the June 23-24 annual meeting in Louisville. Ky., Hershael W. York announced June 10.

“Dr. John Yeats was first elected to this post in 1997. He has faithfully, consistently and effectively served our Southern Baptist Convention in this office and deserves our gratitude as well as our reaffirmation for another term,” said York, senior pastor of the Buck Run Baptist Church in Frankfort, Ky., and associate dean of ministry and proclamation at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.

“His service to this convention provides the documentation of the business we conduct in convention meetings and is vital for making and maintaining wise and godly decisions,” York said.

Yeats currently serves as director of communications for the Louisiana Baptist Convention, edits the LBCLive missions magazine and was interim pastor of Start Baptist Church near Monroe, La. He is a former editor of the state Baptist papers in Oklahoma and Indiana and has served churches in six states during his 36-plus years of ministry.

Last year’s annual meeting in Indianapolis marked Yeats’ 11th annual meeting as recording secretary.

The SBC recording secretary is responsible for the record of the proceedings of the Southern Baptist Convention, the training of volunteer pages and the final edit of the SBC Book of Reports and the SBC Annual. He also serves as an ex officio member of the SBC Executive Committee.

Yeats designed the process for the flow of information from the convention floor to the convention platform and distribution to the Order of Business Committee, a process that has enhanced the accuracy of the official record.

Yeats is a graduate of Dallas Baptist University and Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. In 2006, he received a doctor of ministry degree from Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Kansas City, Mo.

Information for Start Baptist Church from Southern Baptists’ Annual Church Profile survey for the most recent year, 2008, lists 8 baptisms and primary worship service attendance of 350. The church gave $30,000, or 6.9 percent, through the Cooperative Program from total undesignated receipts of $430,651. According to the ACP, the church’s total mission expenditures were $48,724, including $2,510 for the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering for International Missions and $788 for the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering for North American Missions.

Yeats demonstrates “a heart for evangelism and preaches the unchanging Word of God without fear or flinch,” York said. “John’s private comportment matches his public commitments.”
Compiled by Baptist Press assistant editor Mark Kelly.

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