
Many churches have giant Easter Egg hunts during this time to attract kids (and their parents). Some are criticized, saying it's a secular activity and the church should not be involved. I think it is great because my church gets lots and lots of names of the children who attend and sign up for prizes. Our FAITH teams love those names. What a way to reach young married families face-to-face, pray for those families (especially in these difficult days), and invite the children to come to Sunday School and Vacation Bible School. The best part — we see many begin a new life in Christ. Moms and dads are encouraged to come to church where they will meet other Christian parents who will disciple them. And this "new life" gets stronger.

It may begin with the youngest age, but they will soon grow up to be students for Christ. Kids listen to kids sharing Jesus, as you will see in the testimony from Scott Harris, the pastor of Southside Baptist church in Southside, Alabama.

Last year, a Southern Baptist church hosted a DiscipleNow in which the students, grades six to twelve, were challenged to rise above what was expected of them in every aspect of their lives. After that weekend, a group of eighth graders decided they wanted to take this message into their school. The administration of their school found a time during the week that would not interfere with classes and would not alienate anyone that chose to not participate.

This group of about ten eighth graders, boys and girls, held their first Bible Study in the school with approximately 145 in attendance. This Bible study was student-led; the adults chosen to supervise did not offer any advice and did not attempt to lead in any way.

Soon, the seventh graders at this school decided they would like to do the same. After a few weeks, the seventh grade began meeting during the same time. They had around one hundred students participating each week.

One week, after the seventh grade performed a drama for the students, one of the eighth graders stood and said, "Now, if you want to know this Jesus, stand up." The adults in attendance were shocked and a little embarrassed for the young man, thinking it was totally inappropriate. "That's just not how we do it," they thought. That was, until a young girl stood, then another. By the end of that day, seven middle school students had been led to the Lord by their classmates.

After the new school year began, the originators of the first Bible study, who were now freshmen at the high school, asked the administration if there was a time they could use for prayer and Bible study.

It was decided that the students would forego their break time to meet together. These young men and women stood before their older schoolmates and boldly shared their vision for their school.

At the same time, the new seventh and eighth graders also decided to continue what the students before them had started. Four weeks into the new school year, two seventh grade girls had the privilege of leading eleven of their classmates to the Lord. The girls had decided that, as they led the study that day, they would simply ask the key question: "In your personal opinion, what do you understand it takes for a person to go to Heaven?"

They would have the girls answer the question anonymously and then explain how the Bible answers that question.

Think about it, something as simple as one question and one answer would mean the difference in an eternity in Heaven or an eternity in Hell. Something as simple as ten "kids" choosing to stand up for their beliefs and then sharing it with their classmates could impact hundreds of students each week, and eventually spill over into other schools sharing God's Word.

Oh, that we, as adults, would be as bold and unafraid of the consequences of sharing what we know is the truth.

Praise the Lord that these students are bold and on fire for Jesus! They encourage us to see what can be done in our schools. May their efforts multiply!

    About the Author

  • Bobby H. Welch