FIRST-PERSON: Politicians & prayer
Autumn Wall relays suggestions for ways Christians can pray, as exhorted in Scripture, for "all those in authority."
MOTHER’S DAY: Priorities & joys
Atop Autumn Wall's Mother's Day advice: "Make your relationship with Jesus your No. 1 priority. … You don't have to be perfect, just make sure your kids see you turning to Jesus in every situation."
CHRISTMAS: Tell His story
Don't be distracted by the chaos that can surround the holiday season, Autumn Wall writes. Sharing Jesus with relatives, friends and others, she notes, is "the very thing we were put on earth to do."
FIRST-PERSON: Be thankful together
Be intentional with your Thanksgiving, Autumn Wall writes, by sharing it with others who need to experience God's goodness and hear about Jesus.
FIRST-PERSON: Rest on purpose
Even though fall has arrived, finding rest remains as elusive as ever, Autumn Wall writes. "Real rest," she notes, "comes when you're in the midst of the will of God doing what He is showing you to do."
FIRST-PERSON: Neighborly love
Autumn Wall suggests a few ideas for getting to know and having a relationship with "the people we pass by every day on our own street."
FIRST-PERSON: Intentional vacation
Don't take a vacation from God this summer, take a vacation with God, Autumn Wall writes in relaying ways for families to go on vacation while also growing in their faith.
FIRST-PERSON: Honoring spiritual mothers
Expand your Mother's Day, Autumn Wall suggests, by honoring the spiritual mothers in your life -- the "women who have mentored us, poured their lives into us and encouraged us toward Jesus even though we aren't biologically theirs."
FIRST-PERSON: What about your coworkers?
Getting to know your coworkers -- "really know them," Autumn Wall writes -- opens up opportunities to be a witness for Christ.
FIRST-PERSON: Be a light in the NICU
In a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU), Autumn Wall writes, families with infants hooked up to multiple wires and tubes can be encouraged by gestures like tiny baby hats and personal notes of prayer and Scripture.