INDIANAPOLIS (BP) — The season of joy. The celebration of Jesus’ birth. Christmas is right around the corner!
As believers, we know the real reason for the season is Jesus. We love to celebrate this season because it holds so much weight and value. This is when we celebrate our Savior coming to earth to begin His journey to the cross which gives us freedom from sin and shame eternally.
Yet the chaos of this season sometimes can distract us from the very thing we were put on earth to do: Tell His story.
Here are some fresh ideas to keep you focused on the Gospel this December.
— Buy some clear or blank ornaments and decorate them with your favorite Scripture verse. Keep a box of them in your car and as you go throughout your daily routine give them to people you encounter — at the gas station, grocery store, your kid’s school program, as you go for a family walk.
— Get a stack of invitation cards from your church (or make some yourself) to invite people to your church’s Christmas Eve service or program. So many people are willing to attend a holiday event who might never go to a “church service.” Whom could you invite?
— Have a neighborhood Christmas tea. Invite your neighbors to stop by your home just to celebrate the season together for a few minutes. Present each attendee with a small gift, a card and/or an invitation to your church or small group.
— Set a small tree by your front door. As people come to visit, snap a quick photo of them and hang it on the tree. You’ll be surprised at the end of the month how many family, friends, neighbors and delivery men came to your home throughout the season and how many people you got to talk to about Jesus.
— Take time to train your kids how to tell people about Jesus. As simple as telling their teachers and friends that “we celebrate Christmas because God came down to us and made a way for us to know Him.”
It’s simple in this season to share Jesus, but it’s also simple to forget to share Him. How will you tell others about Him wherever you go?