
Chuck Lawless

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9 Warning Signs of Simmering Church Division

Over the years, I’ve seen churches divide. What I’ve learned, though, is that no division happens overnight; every church has some kind of previous problem that no one addressed. To help you evaluate your church’s possibility of division, here are some of those warning signs to consider:

11 Obstacles to Effective Discipleship in the Church

Leading a church to be a discipling church—especially if that’s never been their focus—is not easy. You might, in fact, be learning that truth the hard way. Here are some obstacles to effective discipleship in the church: 

Five Ways the Enemy Seeks to Attack Us before Worship This Weekend

Let me get right to the point: the devil wants to hinder your worship of God this weekend, so he will work to distract and deceive you. Even before we get to worship this weekend, he wants us to:*

10 Ways to Bridge Generation Gaps in Churches

In many churches, generation gaps are still wide. I’ve learned, though, that generations often resist one another without knowing each another.  In fact, it’s easy to blame others when you don’t know their names or their stories. Here are some practical ways to close those gaps by guiding the generations to get to know each other.

10 Reasons Why Churches Must Reach College Students

I first wrote about this topic in 2016, but my burden for university and college students has grown exponentially since then. I’m convinced we can change the world for Christ if we reach this group; in fact, I want the next season of my ministry career to include investing even more in college students. Here’s why: 

7 Ways to Decrease Gossiping in the Church

I realize gossip has been an issue in the church since its inception. Now, how do we address this issue?

14 Mistakes Search Committees Make

I’ve work with a number of pastor and staff search teams as they vet possible candidates for their open positions. I’ve also spent a lot of time listening to candidates talk about their varied experiences in the process. Here are several mistakes I’ve seen search teams make:

10 Ways a Local Church Can Help a Missionary

I spend a lot of time with missionaries. Based on my conversations with them over the last year, here are some ways your church can help them:

10 Reasons Every Church Should Send Their Pastor on a Mission Trip

Let me get to the bottom line: I believe every church ought to send their pastor on at least one international mission trip, including paying his way (and his spouse’s way). Here’s why: 

8 Thoughts on Being Genuine Friends with Non-Believers

As a young believer, I learned from older believers that we were supposed to evangelize lost people—but do so from a distance so you’re not stained by the relationship.