
News Articles by Curtis D. Sharp

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GuideStone assistance in place for Katrina-impacted participants

DALLAS (BP)--Immediate assistance to GuideStone Financial Resources participants and eligible churches in areas destroyed or damaged by Hurricane Katrina has been put in place by the Southern Baptist Convention entity’s staff.

GuideStone to offer better drug benefit than Medicare Part D

DALLAS (BP)--The Medicare supplement plans available through GuideStone Financial Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention will provide prescription drug benefits that exceed the minimum standard set by Medicare.

GuideStone Financial Resources offers positive mid-year review

DALLAS (BP)--GuideStone Financial Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention completed the first six months of 2005 with strong performances of the AB Funds Trust registered mutual funds, while also increasing services to participants. At the close of the second quarter total assets grew to $8.4 billion.

GuideStone medical rates decrease for majority of participants

DALLAS (BP)--Rates for the majority of GuideStone Financial Resources’ PPO medical plan participants will decrease for 2006, with improved benefits to be provided for preventive care and other services.

GuideStone trustees adopt long-range plan

ORLANDO, Fla. (BP)--GuideStone 100, a long-range plan to guide GuideStone Financial Services of the Southern Baptist Convention to its centennial year in 2018, was adopted by trustees during their Aug. 1-2 meeting in Orlando, Fla.

Widows bolster SBC causes via Widows’ Might prayer ministry

"At my age it seems there is not much I can do.... But I can pray. I realize the power of prayer."
Margaret Mullins of Louisville, Ky.
DALLAS (BP)--The death of a spouse is always difficult, but for a minister’s wife who has served alongside her husband, often for decades, the loss of a spouse also may mean the loss of a ministry. Hundreds of widows, however, have found a way to continue contributing to the Kingdom of God through a prayer ministry sponsored by GuideStone Financial Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention.

GuideStone seeks retirees in need

DALLAS (BP)--GuideStone Financial Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention (Annuity Board) has launched a concentrated effort to locate retired Southern Baptist workers, ministers or widows whose income is insufficient to meet their daily needs.

Hawkins: ‘Year of the second mile’ to be GuideStone emphasis

DALLAS (BP)--“The theme for our work during 2005,” O.S. Hawkins told trustees of GuideStone Financial Resources (the Annuity Board), “is ‘the year of the second mile,’” a theme drawn from Matthew 5:41.

GuideStone Financial assets hit all-time high

DALLAS (BP)--GuideStone Financial Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention reached an all-time high of $8.3 billion in assets at the close of 2004 -- 12.05 percent increase over the 2003 closing numbers of $7.3 billion.

Hawkins reports positive trends for GuideStone insurance rates

DALLAS (BP)—Continued positive trends in insurance rates were reported to trustees of GuideStone Financial Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention (Annuity Board) during their Nov. 1-2 meeting in Dallas.