‘Stand with Scouts’ sets forth action plan
NASHVILLE (BP) -- "Stand with Scouts," a national simulcast by the Family Research Council, urged viewers to preserve Scouting's traditional values by opposing a policy change to allow youth who identify themselves as gay to become Scouts.
Chick-fil-A gained from critics’ PR backfire
FRANKLIN, Tenn. (BP) — By now the story is well-known: Chick-fil-A President Dan Cathy, who is a Christian, expressed personal support for traditional marriage in an interview posted by Baptist Press from North Carolina Baptists’ Biblical Recorder newsjournal. Cathy’s statements unleashed charges of Chick-fil-A being “anti-gay” amid a torrent of vitriol toward a company that […]
Chick-fil-A gained from critics’ PR backfire
FRANKLIN, Tenn. (BP) — By now the story is well-known: Chick-fil-A President Dan Cathy, who is a Christian, expressed personal support for traditional marriage in an interview posted by Baptist Press from North Carolina Baptists’ Biblical Recorder newsjournal. Cathy’s statements unleashed charges of Chick-fil-A being “anti-gay” amid a torrent of vitriol toward a company that […]
True Love Waits marks February for purity
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (BP) — February sometimes is called the “month of love,” with Valentine’s week especially being a time when people not only send cards and gifts to loved ones, but also when families and churches give special attention to the meaning of true love and the value of saving sex for marriage. Many churches […]
True Love Waits cofounder to retire
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (BP)–Jimmy Hester, cofounder of the True Love Waits abstinence movement, will retire from LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention Sept. 30. During his 26 years with LifeWay, Hester spearheaded True Love Waits’ transition from an idea for a sex education campaign to an international movement to challenge young people to embrace […]
True Love Waits: Nearly 1 million African youth commit to abstinence
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (BP)--The number of commitments by African youth to biblical purity through True Love Waits International stands at more than 959,000 since LifeWay Christian Resources launched its strategic initiative there in the summer of 2007.
A little more than two years after launching an initiative to expand True Love Waits throughout Africa, more than 15,500 True Love Waits presentations have been made to African youth, and nearly half a million young people have heard its message promoting sexual abstinence until marriage. Of that number, more than 200,500 have taken the […]
True Love Waits, True Love Stays grow worldwide
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (BP)--A little more than two years after launching an initiative to expand True Love Waits throughout Africa, more than 15,500 True Love Waits presentations have been made to African youth, and nearly half a million young people have heard its message promoting sexual abstinence until marriage. Of that number, more than 200,500 have taken the True Love Waits pledge and nearly 41,500 adults have committed to faithfulness in marriage through the TLW-related True Love Stays. In Asia, True Love Waits also is making gains. Sharon Pumpelly, lead consultant for True Love Waits International, noted, "In sub-Sahara Africa, AIDS has made people hungry for True Love Waits."
Parents: Help kids stay pure for marriage
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (BP)--Plenty of issues surfaced at a True Love Waits summit for youth workers and student ministry leaders earlier this year.
True Love Waits impacts Philippines
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (BP)--Seeing the work of True Love Waits in the Philippines "once again demonstrated God's continued awesome work" through the abstinence-until-marriage outreach, TLW co-founder Jimmy Hester said after a two-week trip to the country.