Farming project aims for ongoing harvest
MALI (BP)--It was spring in western Africa and the previous year's meager harvest had been eaten. The crops for that year had not even been planted. For Malians dealing with years of drought, poor crop production and resulting hunger, timing is everything.
African girl receives volunteers’ compassion
BAMAKO, Mali (BP)--Hawa's gait is awkward. Her hips and thighs are fused together, so she walks using movement from her knees down. Her right foot remains in a permanent arch, as if she is wearing an invisible 4-inch heel. Her left foot lies flat.
Reaching the People of the Canary Islands — With Love
Every penny given to the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering is used to support more than 5,500 Southern Baptist missionaries as they share the Gospel overseas. This year's offering goal is $175 million. The 2009 Lottie Moon offering theme is "Who's Missing? Whose Mission?" It focuses on overcoming barriers to hearing and accepting the Gospel in […]
Missionary’s prayer for Mahmouda
FUERTEVENTURA, Canary Islands (BP)–When she smiles, her whole face lights up. But the smile quickly disappears; she tightens her lips and fidgets with her head scarf, pulling it closer to her face. Mahmouda is a 30-something woman who was born in the Western Sahara, once a Spanish colony but controlled by Morocco since the 1970s. […]
‘What’s a Bible?’ the girl asked
FUERTEVENTURA, Canary Islands (BP)–Layers of dingy paint peel from the walls of what once was home to Francisco Franco’s notoriously brutal Legion branch of the Spanish military. Though the property has never left the government’s hands, it is vastly different from what it was in the 1930s. No gunfire is heard now, only the excited […]
Island’s restlessness is their challenge
FUERTEVENTURA, Canary Islands (BP)–New arrivals to the Spanish island of Fuerteventura might wonder if they’ve landed on an outpost of the moon. Dirt resembling a lighter version of red Georgia clay covers both mountains and foothills. No trees, no greenery — except plants at the airport sustained by a massive irrigation system. There is a […]
For Canary Islands Muslims, love is missing ingredient
FUERTEVENTURA, Canary Islands (BP)—Passersby hardly notice the mosque on this active street corner on the Spanish island of Fuerteventura. No crescent moons, no Arabic writing, no minarets piercing the sky -- only dust and exhaust-stained apartments. But looks can be deceiving. Behind a black metal door, stairs descend to what appears to be an old three-bedroom apartment. At the foot of the stairs stands a floor-to-ceiling shoe shelf. To the left is a trough with two water spigots where followers wash their feet in preparation for Friday prayers.
The air is still and hot at the mosque in Fuerteventura, one of the Canary Islands. Arriving worshippers stir a small breeze, wafting the pungent smell of shoes and body odor. No one seems to notice. Barefoot, each man crosses the holy threshold lined with red prayer rugs. "Salaam alaykoom" (peace be with you), each says as he enters. Those already there echo the greeting in return.
This is the first time Southern Baptist missionary Pepe Lopez* has attended a service at this location. Omar, one of Pepe's Muslim students, invited him. As it turns out, many of the students Pepe teaches Spanish to every week go to the mosque here.
Omar has not missed a Spanish lesson since classes started more than a year ago. Pepe began teaching the free class after a new law required anyone seeking permanent residency be able to read and write basic Spanish. This made it impossible for North Africans like Omar to delay learning the native language.
Missions to deaf is focus of IMB conference
RIDGECREST, N.C. (BP)--A sometimes forgotten people group has stepped into the spotlight as one of the International Mission Board's affinity groups.
101 new missionaries appointed in Denver
DENVER (BP)--During a trip to Peru, Tony Llorens looked into the eyes of the people and knew without a doubt this was where he needed to be. But his preparation for missionary service at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary ...
89 new missionaries to go overseas
TAYLORS, S.C. (BP)--"We do not have lofty goals of world success," missionary Christine Moffett said. "Our desire is simply to live through Christ and to proclaim His message of grace and salvation."